Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Following up on a recent post

I have both corrected guys and seen women let it slide.  I have seen mothers I know let their daughters trash talk men.  None have said, "That's not true.  Your father isn't like that."

It's on my mind a lot as wokism invades my work place.  Pay Gap, gender bias, Unherent Bias, Toxic Masculinity, Benevolent Sexism, Patriarchy, Equity, and every other oppressive theory that scapegoats men is becoming "fact" in today's workplaces.  Don't even get me started on Colorblind Racism.

In a democratic society where women make up 51% of the population, men--not women--are the minority.  As Pearl Davis says, the world is set up for women.  There is no barrier--no legal or systemic--that holds women back.

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