Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Following up on a recent post

I have both corrected guys and seen women let it slide.  I have seen mothers I know let their daughters trash talk men.  None have said, "That's not true.  Your father isn't like that."

It's on my mind a lot as wokism invades my work place.  Pay Gap, gender bias, Unherent Bias, Toxic Masculinity, Benevolent Sexism, Patriarchy, Equity, and every other oppressive theory that scapegoats men is becoming "fact" in today's workplaces.  Don't even get me started on Colorblind Racism.

In a democratic society where women make up 51% of the population, men--not women--are the minority.  As Pearl Davis says, the world is set up for women.  There is no barrier--no legal or systemic--that holds women back.

Is it unethical to attempt to win by any means necessary? Is that subverting democracy? Why was Watergate so bad?


Have Courage Sisters

 If I'd had a son--and I'm perfectly happy with the intelligent beautiful daughter that I wanted--and he said that women were less, or weak, or couldn't be police officers or firemen or whatever, I would correct him.  I'd be like, "Whoa, whoa, there buddy.  That's not only sexist, it's not correct or accurate.  And, you're generalizing about an entire demographic group based on stereotypes or outliers."  If he said that all women were bitches or sluts or something, I would correct him, on the spot.

My question:  Why do women not?  I realize the irony as I generalize here.  But, as I have observed, Feminism is alive and well.  When I have been confronted by it, and the men are scum attitude, women--good women--don't stand up.  Why?

Friday, February 24, 2023


Yesterday, I read one of my favourite Bible passages, Romans 14.  In conjunction with the pastor's message (https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1475093554907844622) last week, it got me thinking about judgement. 

We are so quick to judge the fellow servant of The Master.  Is everything acceptable?  I don't know.  I mean, there's still my constitution (The Summary of The Law).  But, yeah, I don't know.  Reading Romans 7-8 & 14 gives me the distinct understanding that some things are just none of our fvc/<ing business.  It's between them and God.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Give it up

Today is the first day of Lent.  Today, I’m giving up some stuff, including snacks from the lunch room.  I also plan to re-start my one year Bible reading plan.  Here I go.  Wish me luck.

My Work Whiteboard

Quiet Cheating

I want to talk about this thing called Emotional Cheating.  It has been talked about several times by Dr. Phill.  

I'll start by saying that it is definitely not cheating, not at all.  If it was, it would just be called cheating; you wouldn't need the modifier in front.  

We do that a lot now, double speak.  Verbal assault is not a thing.  I didn't friggen hit you.  But, I digress. 

Similarly, Quiet Quitting is not quitting your job.  It is just halfassing your job.  If it were quitting, union workers have been quitting their jobs for over a hundred years.

Some say that watching porn can be Emotional Cheating. Again, see my above point.  Because, if EC is a thing, the bar is set way too low.

Women watching soap operas or reading romantic novels to fulfill their intimacy needs (or to substitute them) in place of a real relationship would be tres guilty of EC as well.  Jordan Peterson says that men and women look for different things.

Jesus set the bar very high, very.  But, I don't think it was in condemnation of what we fantasize about.  Rather, I think it was to subdue the snooty judgmental people condemning adulterers as subhuman sinners, unworthy of even breathing. 

Just Visiting

I attended the Church of some friends on Sunday, very different.  It was like a rock concert (not bad, just different) and then a great homily.  I really liked the message in the homily.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Is Nature Just Survival of the Most Fit?

I was watching the nature channel the other day, and a narrator said that these monkeys were the first creatures--other than humans--to use tools to exploit resources to near depletion.  Going on, they said that we thought that we were the only species on Earth to exploit a resource to near depletion.  Well, just talk to the East Coast Fishermen about the seals and the cod stock; because, those above two statements are not the same thing.


I was reading Psalm 71; every time I read it, I think about how easily we can be ridiculed for our faith.

How arrogant we are to assume we have such a huge impact, that we matter or make a difference

How insignificant will our ridiculous carbon tax be if the magnetic poles reverse (or a sun flair or an asteroid hit the Earth) in our lifetime?

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Should I lower my shoulder, raise an elbow?

If I don't bump into two women walking two abreast on the trail ahead of me as I run, taking to the mucky shoulder to pass, is that Toxic Masculinity, Benevolent Sexism?  Of course I should.  But, let me now ask the question that I actually answered.  Should I show kindness and respect to all people? 

Maybe I should treat them as individuals, yell out, "feminists or conservatives?"  And, I can act accordingly.  If they respond conservative, I reply, "excuse me ladies," as I run through the muck.  If they say, "how dare you...," as I pass, I slam into them like I'm in the wildest mosh pit.  I'm being facetious, of course.

I've been watching a lot of Pearl Davis clips on YouTube in the last 60 days.  I'm not totally convinced that she is totally for real.  Does she really believe what she's saying, or is she simply portraying how men think to women?  🤷‍♂️

P.S.  Speaking of running, here's my crowning achievement for 2022:


Self sacrifice is the greatest act of love, giving your life up for another.  Ironic that perhaps the greatest act of betrayal is giving up your life for yourself.


Daughters are a blessing
A vessel for our heats
Sum of our hopes and dreams

Matthew 12:43-35

Suicide doesn't kill the pain.  It just transfers the pain to others.  It goes out over dry ground and rests on those are heartbroken. 

Hairy Plopper

So, everybody is freaking out about this new Harry Potter game.  Apparently, if you play it, you're a transphobe.

Okay, so let us assume that J.K. Rowling is a trasphobe.  I can understand trans people wanting to boycott her books and games; I'm not particularly happy with Starbucks and their anti-gun stance.  But, playing the Harry Potter game when it comes out is does not make somebody a transphobe.

I can enjoy something without identifying with the creator.  Liking Bobby Burns poems and buying a reprint of a book of his does not make me Scottish.  Nor does being an advocate of Freudian psychoanalytics make me gay, people have to calm the fvc|< down.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Raisin de Tair

LORD what is my mission?  What is my purpose?  What is supposed to be accomplished through me?  What is my reason for being?  What will give my life purpose?  Where am I supposed to be?  What am I supposed to do?  I will trust in Your plan.  It is arrogant of me to believe there is a plan for me; yet, I trust that there is a plan for me.  I don't need to know what it is.  I trust that it is.  I also illogically seek to know emotionally that the plan is, as I struggle with lack of purpose.  I trust that it is.  At the same time, logically, spiritually, I know that it is.  Even if I can't see it, I trust.  St. Paul said that faith was hoping in something that we do not see.  I trust because I know that I do not need to know.  Give me strength.  Guide me.  Keep me.  LORD hear my prayer.  I ask these things in the name of Your Son my Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Light a Candle

Shout out to Gratefulness.org:  I love the ability to light a virtual candle; it reminds me of St. Gregory' s Abby.  It's so meaningful.  I often light candles here as prayer.


My wife came home today with her first tattoo at age 50.  It wasn't a surprise.  She and my daughter got one together, and have been talking about it for a very long time.  I'm not a fan.  I said, when asked, that I don't like tattoos but that the design was cool.

Tattoos aren't for me.  There are a few reasons for this, both religious.  While I am free of the law, this is a law that I feel I should follow.  That doesn't mean others must, nor does it mean that I condemn them.  Here are my reasons:

I'm not a fan of marking my body.  For me, it is wrong.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Lights out Manufacturing, Chat GPT, CGI art, AI literature, movies, and music, and so much more.

Assuming that we're not already in a simulation (Claude Shannon's code), the human race is on the cusp--the razor's edge--of a cataclysmic evolutionary stage.  This evolution will take us deep into bondage, pointlessness, despair, and lack of purpose or into oblivion.

And, that's assuming that the magnetic poles don't flip, there isn't a ELE event including an asteroid impact or super volcano eruption, or the rise of The Beast.  Has there been a time of more anxiety to be alive?  I mean, I had nightmares about nuclear attack in the 80s as a child that almost incapacitated me.  So, there's that still too.

I guess every generation has believed that they lived in the end times.  Then, there's the D-Wave quantum computer at CERN, extreme particle physics thials there causing events (microscopic singularities?) and conspiracy theory about The Mandel Effect.  I think Brian Cox was correct about the Fermi Paradox.

It's all enough to make you legitimately mad.  Take some solace in Luke 12:25.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


I've taken a real liking to the show The Chosen, from the beginning.  It's this weird crowdfunded show about the Gospel. 

But anyways, I took a break from it, and have returned; I stopped watching after season 1.  Last week, I watched season 2 episode 8, and last night season 3 episode 1.  There's so much foreshadowing with Judas.  His partner foreshadows Satan, convincing him to buy the field and screw over the old man for money, even though Judas feels that it is wrong.  Twice, the fact is mentioned that they don't want the Iscariot family name to not be remembered in history.  Jesus asks Judas if he can do hard things.  Judas says that he can.  Wow.