Friday, November 5, 2021

Vivian said about me that this man knows his Bible! And I did...when it came to the New Testament.

I've felt for a while that I don't know my Bible anymore.  I used to dog ear pages to mark passages that I used for apologetics.  I could quickly find passages by memory to explain, support, or refute the Eucharist, the divinity of Christ, the Trinity, gifts of the Spirit, judgement, salvation, etc...  Now, I feel lost.  I'll tell you who knew their Bible.  Dad knew his Bible.  I miss being able to ask him, "Dad, where does it say" whatever I needed to find.  Now, I have all these dog eared pages--I felt it was sacrilegious to write in a Bible--that I have no idea why I marked some of them for.  Why on Earth did I mark this passage?  My experience tells me that gut feelings are usually justified.  I would like to fix that.

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