Tuesday, November 30, 2021

FW: Follow The White Rabbit

Have you ever seen the movie Conspiracy Theory, where Mel Gibson gets a lucky shot in the dark?  I hope I’m wrong; but, it changes nothing.  If it is, it is.


From: Ramier, William
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 7:12 AM
To: Neave, Will <wneave@aisinnospamcanada.com>
Subject: RE: Follow The White Rabbit


Too crazy to touch with a 10’ pole?


From: Ramier, William
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 4:22 PM
To: Neave, Will <wneave@aisinnospamcanada.com>
Subject: Follow The White Rabbit


We always think of a simulation as being inside a computer.  What if it is an Extra Operatio Ratio?  The best argument for the impossibility of simulating reality is that the hard drive space to store all the information would be massive, too big to be practical.  They say that is why satellite imagery of planets’ surfaces are so pixilated.  You can’t get high definition at the micro level by zooming in, only macro level; you’d need enormous computing power and storage space specifically to store the data for all the close ups, the high resolution surface shots.  But, what if the truth is that it’s reality that is being simulated?  …not in a PC tower.


Dr. Susskind’s work suggests that the world as we know it is a holographic projection of a 2D data source.  The volume of data in a cube is always equal to that cube’s surface area.  And, what if CERN is using it’s D-WAVE extradimensional quantum computing power—assuming it’s already self-aware—to fire the LHC particle collider to create events that alter the time line?  Did you see that cat walk by?  As already mentioned prior, Dr. Gates has pointed out the error correction code in the universe.  What if Elon Musk was correct?  What if the AI demon has already been released?  What if, like Neo, we’re already in the Matrix?  …a 3D projection of a 2D data source being edited by complex computations by an advanced AI?  This Lovecraftian Old One may not even care we exist.  We aren’t in the matrix.  The matrix is outside of us.  The universe is the Matrix?

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