Monday, November 29, 2021

Vampires and Werewolves

The question that every geek, nerd, and loser asks it, "why do the pretty girls always go after the assholes."  I used to think that they were drawn to assholes myself.  More to the point, I observed that the successful people around me in business were sexually exploiting women.  It seemed a cynical prerequisite for promotion, as a male.  Only through rational thought did I come to the conclusion that there was a common cause of both the success and the affairs with women.  It was confidence.  Just like in the movie Moneyball, managers promote those with confidence.  Women are attracted to confidence.  Biologically, it means that you and your offspring have a better chance of survival when your mate is assertive and confident.  Then, Jordan Peterson convinced me of my correctness with his YouTube video on women being attracted to the monster, the vampire and the were wolf.  ...and the asshole.

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