Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Jeffersonian Liberty Please

We're never happy if we're not oppressing somebody.  You can't be protestant, or you're a heretic.  You can't practice Wicca or we'll burn you.  You can't be gay.  You can't belong to the communist party.  You can't believe marriage should be between men and women.  You can't believe that men and women are different.  You can't believe people should be treated the same.  You can't address somebody without using their chosen pronouns and affirm only their view as correct.  You must comply.

Rather than go back and forth, why not let people be left alone?  Don't be gay!  Don't be not gay!  How about never fucking minding what somebody else is doing.

I've said it many times:  The thing mankind has been the best at over the last 10 thousand years is forcing others to live the way we say they have to.  

I'd like a double helping of liberty please.

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