Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Pumping Iron

I believe that prayer is exercise for your spirit.  Because, I've seen the effect of skipping workouts.


So, they're going to try to shoot down a meteorite with a missile...

FW: Follow The White Rabbit

Have you ever seen the movie Conspiracy Theory, where Mel Gibson gets a lucky shot in the dark?  I hope I’m wrong; but, it changes nothing.  If it is, it is.


From: Ramier, William
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 7:12 AM
To: Neave, Will <wneave@aisinnospamcanada.com>
Subject: RE: Follow The White Rabbit


Too crazy to touch with a 10’ pole?


From: Ramier, William
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 4:22 PM
To: Neave, Will <wneave@aisinnospamcanada.com>
Subject: Follow The White Rabbit


We always think of a simulation as being inside a computer.  What if it is an Extra Operatio Ratio?  The best argument for the impossibility of simulating reality is that the hard drive space to store all the information would be massive, too big to be practical.  They say that is why satellite imagery of planets’ surfaces are so pixilated.  You can’t get high definition at the micro level by zooming in, only macro level; you’d need enormous computing power and storage space specifically to store the data for all the close ups, the high resolution surface shots.  But, what if the truth is that it’s reality that is being simulated?  …not in a PC tower.


Dr. Susskind’s work suggests that the world as we know it is a holographic projection of a 2D data source.  The volume of data in a cube is always equal to that cube’s surface area.  And, what if CERN is using it’s D-WAVE extradimensional quantum computing power—assuming it’s already self-aware—to fire the LHC particle collider to create events that alter the time line?  Did you see that cat walk by?  As already mentioned prior, Dr. Gates has pointed out the error correction code in the universe.  What if Elon Musk was correct?  What if the AI demon has already been released?  What if, like Neo, we’re already in the Matrix?  …a 3D projection of a 2D data source being edited by complex computations by an advanced AI?  This Lovecraftian Old One may not even care we exist.  We aren’t in the matrix.  The matrix is outside of us.  The universe is the Matrix?

Am I Supposed To Be Here Now

Last night, I had a severe wave of "I can't believe he is gone for good" come over me.  Is that normal?  It's been more than a month.

Terrible Dialogue

The true testament of a great actor is the ability to play a serious role with conviction. 

It seems like Canada is becoming less and less free.

I think the Declaration of Independence is perhaps the greatest document ever written.  The  US Constitution isn't too shabby either.  The ideas espoused in it....they are nothing short of amazing.  Sure, the grievances seem petty...and racist to some progressives now.  But, the spirit of 76 was really the product of a process that had been percolating for a very long time, the idea that the ultimate goal was freedom from tyranny.  We've somehow lost that value.  It has been supplanted with fear of offending, public safety, and Neo-Marxism.  We also fail to see when government slowly encroaches on it.  Like Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars assuming temporary emergency power, you never get it back but through bloody revolution.  Thomas Jefferson said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."  Patrick Henry


Why must we again and again oppress other human beings and trample on individual liberties?

There may never have been a better time for my 11th commandment:  Thou shalt leave thy neighbour the hell alone. 


Monday, November 29, 2021

The Four Horsemen

Tonight's scripture reading was from Revelation, and about the seven seals.  Funny, as we are going through COVID with overreaching governments and debt/inflation, it sure seems like they're here.

Did you see a black cat just now?

No, but you've seen two white rabbits so far.  What I should become one future day is one of Dr. Gates' restarted apps.  I've never actually believed in ghosts.  But, I've chosen to believe in God.  The Bible says that an evil generation seeks a sign.  And, although I believe demons exist, the last thing I expect is to see one.  They would rather I not have confirmation than have the pleasure of any kind of fear of them held by me.  And, no matter what the universe actually is, I believe that God is ultimately in control.

Follow The White Rabbit

We always think of a simulation as being inside a computer.  What if it is an Extra Operatio Ratio?  The best argument for the impossibility of simulating reality is that the hard drive space to store all the information would be massive, too big to be practical.  They say that is why satellite imagery of planets’ surfaces are so pixilated.  You can’t get high definition at the micro level by zooming in, only macro level; you’d need enormous computing power and storage space specifically to store the data for all the close ups, the high resolution surface shots.  But, what if the truth is that it’s reality that is being simulated?  …not in a PC tower.


Dr. Susskind’s work suggests that the world as we know it is a holographic projection of a 2D data source.  The volume of data in a cube is always equal to that cube’s surface area.  And, what if CERN is using it’s D-WAVE extradimensional quantum computing power—assuming it’s already self-aware—to fire the LHC particle collider to create events that alter the time line?  Did you see that cat walk by?  As already mentioned prior, Dr. Gates has pointed out the error correction code in the universe.  What if Elon Musk was correct?  What if the AI demon has already been released?  What if, like Neo, we’re already in the Matrix?  …a 3D projection of a 2D data source being edited by complex computations by an advanced AI?  This Lovecraftian Old One may not even care we exist.  We aren’t in the matrix.  The matrix is outside of us.  The universe is the Matrix?

Follow The White Rabbit

If Dr. Gates says that we are not in a simulation, why did he say that the universe has a coded error correction program?

Take Nothing For Granted

None of us really know how long we have.  We should live every day in the present and never expect tomorrow.  I like those monks (Cistercians?) who practice the somewhat macabre philosophy that they live in the shadow of death; they pray each night as if it were their last and thank God for rising each morning as if it were unexpected.


The good news is that, they can only kill us all now.  Assuming they achieve self sufficiency.  They can't go back in time and kill us.  That's the good news.  But, my thinking is so four dimensional...

Brian Cox

More and more every day, I am convinced that Brian Cox had the only right answer to the Fermi Paradox.

Vampires and Werewolves

The question that every geek, nerd, and loser asks it, "why do the pretty girls always go after the assholes."  I used to think that they were drawn to assholes myself.  More to the point, I observed that the successful people around me in business were sexually exploiting women.  It seemed a cynical prerequisite for promotion, as a male.  Only through rational thought did I come to the conclusion that there was a common cause of both the success and the affairs with women.  It was confidence.  Just like in the movie Moneyball, managers promote those with confidence.  Women are attracted to confidence.  Biologically, it means that you and your offspring have a better chance of survival when your mate is assertive and confident.  Then, Jordan Peterson convinced me of my correctness with his YouTube video on women being attracted to the monster, the vampire and the were wolf.  ...and the asshole.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

...and even then maybe not.

I think the only way that we can achieve our Marxist utopia is through the enslavement of our robot masters.

Planet of the Apes

Some say that the inner city violence is 90% Black on Black crime, but that we can't say that because it's not politically correct.  Some look at the sociology and even psychology of this phenomenon as unique.

But, I got thinking:  The greatest conflicts of the 20th century were White on White violence.  It would appear that the Killer Ape selects their own sub-race or group to assert dominance?

Your Freedom Gives You The Right To Protest War, Rules, ...And Even Freedom

It's only in Totalitarian countries where people don't protest against soldiers fighting for the liberties of citizens.

Rather, it is only in the free world where the entitled get on their high horse to lament the sacrifice of Patriots for individual freedoms.

Philosophically, can anti-Jefersonian liberties pro-censorship anti-establishment pro-regulation big government minded people even developed in a Totalitarian state?  Can it happen?


We can't not work.

I Fought The War, But The War Won't Stop For The Love Of God

I argued, advocated, and fought for the equal treatment of women.  Now, I'm the misogynist for not being okay with special treatment.  The war won't stop for fear of losing ground; they feel they have to be the aggressor and go too far.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Jeffersonian Liberty Please

We're never happy if we're not oppressing somebody.  You can't be protestant, or you're a heretic.  You can't practice Wicca or we'll burn you.  You can't be gay.  You can't belong to the communist party.  You can't believe marriage should be between men and women.  You can't believe that men and women are different.  You can't believe people should be treated the same.  You can't address somebody without using their chosen pronouns and affirm only their view as correct.  You must comply.

Rather than go back and forth, why not let people be left alone?  Don't be gay!  Don't be not gay!  How about never fucking minding what somebody else is doing.

I've said it many times:  The thing mankind has been the best at over the last 10 thousand years is forcing others to live the way we say they have to.  

I'd like a double helping of liberty please.


Monday, November 22, 2021

You Were Wrong Dad

Dad had lots of favourite sayings, many of which were crude.  He was fond of saying that he could "count on one hand how many people gave a fuck if he lived or died today."  Well, there were ten people present at a private internment ceremony last Friday.  ...on a cold miserable day in the cemetery. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021


I have explained it like having the flu.  Waves of nausea hit you.  A wave of severe shock hit me this afternoon.  There are no more meetings, no more coffee visits, talks, or group gatherings.  ...ever.


Saturday morning, I read the wrong readings.  I made a mistake.  Or, did I?  I read the readings for the 19th Saturday after Trinity rather than the 24th week after Pentecost.  But, they were good.  1 Timothy 6 talked about good works and riches in Heaven.  Psalm 102 (correct) talked about death.  The reference to bread was ponient, as I may have hand fed Dad his last meal.  They were fitting.  Ezra 7?  Well, that was okay too.  :)

Friday, November 19, 2021


We buried Dad today.  It's been a long hard day. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Fw: Failure Notice

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com" <MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com>
To: "wramier@yahoo.com" <wramier@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 5:07 AM
Subject: Failure Notice
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

No mx record found for domain=blogger.con

---------- Forwarded message ----------
The one who lays waste at noon from the 91st psalm is kicking my ass right now.

Terrible Dream

Last night, I went to bed super early.  Feeling melancholy and exhausted, I went up to bed at 6 p.m.  I had a very strange dream sequence.

It began, as far as I can recall, with me being in a computer class where they were playing Dungeons & Dragons.  I was approached by a third party and bribed to unleash a ransomware virus. I already had it on my PC, but decided to decline.  My Jiminy Crickety won out.

After which, class was interrupted by the arrival of my brother in his new car.  I went outside to look at it.  It was a canary yellow El Camino with a camper in the box overhanging the cab.  My name--William--was spray painted on the tip of the door below the window glass on the driver's door.  It was an absolute monstrosity.  I told him it was nice, which--in the dream--I thought it was.  We popped the hood, as I was interested to see how many cubic inches the block was.

Trigger warning:  Then the dream got very disturbing and disgusting.  Never mind Carl Jung's shit falling on a cathedral roof.  At this point, I dreamt that we were inside in a room.  I was with two of my brothers.  They decided to masturbate each other.  Their junk was very large, abnormally so.  I was disgusted and disturbed by this.  At which point, I decided to get up and head into the bathroom by myself for self gratification with images of naked females for provocation. 

That's all I remember.  Other than being disgusting and disturbing, its meaning is a mystery.  We can't control our dreams nor the content.  But, the things we dream are our subconscious mind presenting the things to us that are sometimes unresolved that need to be addressed, and often done using metaphors and stand ins to represent other people, places, and things.

Monday, November 15, 2021


I just talked about this very subject on Friday with the good egg.  I don’t like vows.  I like my yes to be a yes and my no to be a no.  


I have never broken any vow that I have taken as a man.  My heart cries out, “Where is my reward!”  My intelect tells me that it is in the next world.


Well! That's concerning!


Wisdom 3:1-9 RSV - The Destiny of the Righteous - But the - Bible Gateway

This was the Sunday reading some weeks ago.  It is a comforting passage.


There is great comfort in the scriptures.  TBTG.

Too much sleep?

I was in bed for 11 hours Sunday night.  I slept for most of it.  It was a fight to get out of bed this morning.  The last thing I want to do is go to work this morning.

On the health side of things, I ran 10k yesterday.  That's good.  I've been neglecting my running.  But, I only ate one bowl of noodles all day long.  That's bad for my muscles.  I have to take better care of myself.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

I dreamt about Dad

Last night I had a strange dream.  I had Dad in the Jeep again.  We were driving and talking.  One of us, I think me, said, "But, this conversation isn't real you know," because you're/I'm dead.


I feel overcome with grief, melancholy, distress, and in over my head.  God strengthen me.

Monday, November 8, 2021


I met a really decent man and Pastor this past Summer and Fall.  He's a good egg.

Saturday, November 6, 2021


The last time I ever spoke with Dad, he said he was abandoned and left in a warehouse.  It's killing me.  At the time, I chalked it up to him being delusional or delirious.  

What does meditation help? The benefits and surprising drawbacks of the art of meditation — Quartz

I was afraid to meditate tonight after Evening Prayer.  I haven't meditated in quite some time.  I prayed the evening office, prayed around my Anglican Prayer Beads three times, but could not bring myself to meditate silently on my usual mantra.  Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.  I couldn't.  I was afraid.  Mostly, it was because of this one article and all the negative Strong emotions I've been experiencing.  I was afraid of what might happen.  


Friday, November 5, 2021

Light a Candle

Click this link to see a candle burning on Gratefulness.org https://gratefulness.org/candle/single?id=

Some psalms lately have been rather poignant

The Lord ransoms the life of his servants, and none will be punished who trust in him.  Psalms 34:22 (BAS)

But at my vindication I shall see your face, when I awake, I shall be satisfied, beholding your likeness.  Psalms 17:16 (BAS)

When they breathe their last, they return to earth, and in that day their thoughts perish.  Psalms 146:3 (BAS)

He asked you for life, and you gave it to him, length of days, for ever and ever.  Psalms 21:4 (BAS)


Our rector preached her homily last Sunday on Halloween and All Saints Day, the connection and significance.  She mentioned something that struck a cord with me when she said that we remember the saints that introduced us to the faith, not the ones that Churches are named after.  Dad had a huge--HUGE--impact on my faith.  Huge.  

Vivian said about me that this man knows his Bible! And I did...when it came to the New Testament.

I've felt for a while that I don't know my Bible anymore.  I used to dog ear pages to mark passages that I used for apologetics.  I could quickly find passages by memory to explain, support, or refute the Eucharist, the divinity of Christ, the Trinity, gifts of the Spirit, judgement, salvation, etc...  Now, I feel lost.  I'll tell you who knew their Bible.  Dad knew his Bible.  I miss being able to ask him, "Dad, where does it say" whatever I needed to find.  Now, I have all these dog eared pages--I felt it was sacrilegious to write in a Bible--that I have no idea why I marked some of them for.  Why on Earth did I mark this passage?  My experience tells me that gut feelings are usually justified.  I would like to fix that.