Tuesday, June 29, 2021


We're so reliant on technology for everything.  The power went out tonight in an electrical storm.  We couldn't get our lottery tickets as the outage crashed the network.  We went to Wendy's for a burger, where the power outage had crashed their tills.  At risk of sounding like a geezer, them there kids can't do simple math in their heads.  So, they couldn't "take our money"; they couldn't figure out what we owed and how to make change.  We arrived home to the power still being off at home.  We can't cook.  Electric stove.  Back to Wendy's we go.  They can take our money now.  We buy chicken burgers.  We go home.  We eat.  In the dark.  No TV.  No WiFi.  I can't check e-mail, social media, sports, work, school, weather forecast, etc...  The toilet works!  Thanks John Crapper!  Hey, I have a crank short wave radio!  Wicked!

Friday, June 25, 2021

You're Racist

I was told by a leftist monk once that it was okay to disagree with one of Obama's policies; that was politics.  But, if you disagree with all his policies, it's because you're racist.   So, the Liberals voted against Andrew's bill, just because it was his...


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Beware of Dog

We bought a beware of dog sign for our back yard.  It got me thinking of a posted sign in a back yard on a street down by the river.  It says beware of God.  But, is it religious or anti-Church?


When out shopping, the Public Address (pre-recorded) announcements are increasingly sounding to me like I'm stuck in the video game Half Life.  Actually, a lot of life since 2020 is straight out of Half Life.


To the Catholics who have recently had their faith shaken, remember this:  you don't have to be Catholic to be Christian; also, as far as the child abusers are concerned, you don't have to be Christian to be Catholic.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Bride of Christ

I had a thought Thursday.  What if Jesus' instruction to not get divorced because of infidelity applies to us?  What if Jesus will not leave us for spiritual infidelity?  Isn't that something.


I used to think that Drew Barrymore was so hot, so hot.  Hot.  Now, I look at her every time I see her on TV with disgust.  Utter...total...disgust.  She is still attractive.  It's her politics.  She's a leftist wingnut.  And, I can't see past it.  It reminds me of that episode of ST:  Voyager where the Commander is on the alien world and is recruited into their conflict where he comes to hate his new enemy.  I may have been poisoned.  Am I the bad guy.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


I’m disappointed that my Native heritage didn’t show up in the DNA test, despite my ignorance about the people.  But, at 1/32 Mic Mac, it didn’t even register.  That’s just over 3% I guess.  I’m proud of the blood I carry, in spite of the exceptionally little I know of the culture; it was hidden from us as children, in a time where ignorance made such things as native heritage a disgrace.  My maternal great grandmother (mother’s mother’s mother) was Metis, integrating into White society, being the daughter of Angus Noble.  But, disappointed I am.  I’m not sure if much under 5% shows.  And, maybe Angus Noble wasn’t full blooded Indian, which would make it 1% for me.  There’s no way to know that now, I suppose.  Call me skimmed milk, I guess.  I’ve been called worse.  I tell few people actually, not because I’m ashamed, but because I feel like an actor, imposter, or like I’d be cheapening it for personal gain. 


There was a lot of Scandian, which surprised me, mostly Scottish/Irish.  And, 5% Baltic.  What the hay?  That was a surprise.  It’s true what they say; these tests sure can have some surprising results…

Monday, June 14, 2021

It's The End of the World as We Know It

The ancient Israelites must have been devastated, devastated, and thought the whole world was ending when the Temple was being sacked, when the fine wood carvings were being smashed.  How do we avoid being so short sighted?


The NDD has been hitting me pretty hard in the last six plus weeks, especially hard today.  I just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Just keep swimming...

I feel like I need to search for a purpose.

William's Thesaurus




Selfishness (putting yourself before others)

Reason for life

Sex (procreation)

Meaning of life (what gives life meaning/purpose)


Wages of Life


Wages of Sin


Time's Toxin, Life's Wage

Time, you stock us all,  All drink your acrid toxin,  Snared by talons sharp.    Winter of our life,  Choices we made will dictate  Strength that we retain.    All body abuse   We selfishly have chosen  We will pay for then.    Winter of our life,  Choices we made will dictate  Friends and family then.    In the end what counts,  Is that we loved and are loved,  Nothing else matters.    We can't get it back,  There are no second chances,  No rewind to use.    We can not go back,  No time machine can help us,  Nor can age regress.    All that really counts,  Is how we treat each other,  That is life's wage earned.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021


The Sin of Pride

So, for many years,  I was happy that I prayed while happy and healthy, because I wanted to pray, not out of desperation.  I thought that it was good that I turned to God while not in need.  I didn't want to be one of those people who "ran to God" when things got tough and they turned to Him as a last resort.  I thought that was a good thing.  Aside from the fact that, that's the reason He is there, I see the pride in my belief.  I fell into the trap.  Ironic that now, as my faith waxes and wanes, I go for long dry spells without praying the Daily Office.  Sometimes God feels so far away.  Ironic too that, trouble may drive me back; God forbid it.  I'd much rather return on my own again.

St. Paul was right though.  Prayer is like exercise for your soul.  And, the less you feel like praying, the less you will pray; the less you pray, the less you will feel like praying.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

One of my heroes, a contemporary genius, and a brave bold man:


Does any of it matter now?


But will anybody listen? More to the point, will they not hate for long enough to understand?


This is a really good idea:




Fr. Benedict & Fr. Jude

Another monk has died from St. Gregory's Abbey.  Fr. Benedict, the first Abbot, had departed the monastery years ago; we never met him.  He resigned as Abbot and left to pursue other types of prayer/ministry.  He would have been a hundred on April Fool's Day, 2021.  He brought change to the Abbey, including the move away from a Latin Divine Office.

We knew Fr. Jude, and will miss him.  He called us foreigners when we visited.  It was cute.  I'm sure he was in his 90s when he passed away in 2019.  I remember how week his voice was when he  celebrated Mass.  He reminded me of a little old turtle, God rest his soul.  I recall with delight, now as I remember, his silent pointing toward the breakfast foods during The Greater Silence on my first visit.  In a way, he reminded me of my own paternal grandfather.  It's sad that he is gone.

Lord have mercy.  Jesus have mercy.  Christ have mercy.

Let's Jump To Conclusions Together!

It's everywhere now.  Even though I'm not on Facebook and don't watch the news, I have heard, which makes me qualified to comment on the subject.  We are making a lot of assumptions:

• The children were killed or died from abuse and,
• Abuse/malnutrition was uncommon in those times in any institution 
• The graves were recient 
• Unmarked graves were so because of hate or,
• Wooden crosses don't rot
• They were mass graves
• They were treated exceptionally hard by the standards of the day, orphanages were much better by comparison 
• The Catholic Church was a business, not a charity helping when others would not, that had unlimited pockets
• Other institutions didn't have graveyards, like the Stratford Jail for example
• The value placed on human life wasn't less then
• Erasing the culture of Native people was the goal, not the result, of those schools
• Non-Native  children wouldn't have been delinquent for truancy 
• Those involved couldn't have had good intentions and,
• Those involved did not believe "if only we could educate everyone, we could end poverty and bring about equal opportunity"
• The media isn't fanning the flames for profit 
• Nobody does what is politically expedient 
• Everybody involved was evil

Every time I post, I think it is the most controversial thing I have ever written.  This fits that hypothesis. 

P.S.  I wish I could find my Treatise on White Privilage or my rant on Feminism.  Alas, lost on Facebook cyberspace, the are gone.


It could be worse; at least I got the vaccine before I was told I had to get it.  That would have been a major philosophical problem for me, and a theological one too.

80s Child


...countrymen, lend my your ears.

So, I was speaking with an Indian man today.  To his credit, he shows me great respect.  He likes me.  I like him.  I questioned him regarding one of his countrymen.  He said that they didn't know each other in India.  They were not from the same part of the country.  I said that it was the same with me; I am from this country, but not this part.  But that, I feel I have lost my accent, and that nobody can tell.  To which he replied that, it all sounds the same to him anyway and he wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I thought, "wow!  I wouldn't be able to get away with a statement like that.  That'd be racist."  Tollerance, remember?  Tolerance is what we need.  I asked him how his friend was doing.  I had mistaken a woman with a head covering as his friend.  His eyes narrowed.  

I could almost hear him exclaim in his mind, "do we all look the same to you, you racist White pig?"  It was an honest mistake.

But, the thing is, we live in a society that rewards victims (and--all to often--scapegoats the descendants of former oppressors).  As such, there is tremendous gain to be had by attacking the majority for advantage.  If you don't think a majority can be discriminated against, explain the evil of the Apartheid to me please?

But, we--he and I--were civil with each other, which is all I ever hope for (and--much--more that you can even ask for today in this Postmodern Neo-Marxist world).

We don't have to play this tit for that game.  That is so shallow. Understanding, tolerance, peace, unity, that is what society needs.

Cancel Culture

My views, which are becoming exponentially more racist, will get me cancelled.  I must remain true to my principles.  I guess my hope was, if future society moves to the far left, that my writings would be a window into the mind of a conservative from the past.  Now, they likely won't even be that, as I too face cancellation.  I've already been chased from Facebook.  Thousands of hours of content contributed, painful, I saw it as my art, my opus, my self expression.  Free speech seems dead.  Relativism and censorship reigns supreme.  There is an unwillingness to listen to one another, to be tolerant, to embrace diversity of thought.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Will Smith

I did it because of the outbreak at work.  But, for all I know, I have already had it and was asymptomatic.  I'm such an idiot.  I put something in my body that I don't understand, something that we have no idea about or about its longterm side effects. 

I remember the "conspiracy theorists" warning everybody that it was DNA altering, the same "conspiracy theorists" that warned that COVID-19 was synthetic.  And, I remember the scientific community scoffing and saying tongue in cheek that it does not alter DNA and that it doesn't even enter the nucleus of the cell, relying on the ignorance of the paranoid to use equivocation.  Maybe the conspiracy theorists just asked the wrong question or made the wrong statement.  For people that believe that the end justifies the means, and the hiding of the synthetic nature of the virus, mask order flip flops, lockdowns, rushed vaccines, having bureaucrats and tech giants silence question askers, and questionable data collection on COVID-19 complications being the cause of death being circumstantial evidence for that conclusion, lying to us about what the vaccine does doesn't seem beyond their capabilities right now, especially for those in the scientific community for whom the vaccine is absolutely necessary to fight COVID-19.  Critical thinking is not allowed.

A messenger to what, what is the message?  RNA is a cellular building block.  It is an instruction to the body.  We are tricking our bodies into doing something.  Producing protein strands?  What are the long term risks associated with this message to our bodies?  We don't know.  We took a rushed vaccine because we were told we needed to, to fight a virus they created.  mRNA, but what is the m?  What is the message?  

Those who worked on the Manhattan Project thought that there was a small chance of destroying the Earth with the first detonation.  I fear Brian Cox was right with his answer to The Fermi Paradox. 

There is so little government oversight on so many projects, the particle colliders, the bioweapons labs, the design of artificial intelligence, and exrta dimensional quantum state computing, that it's amazing that we're still here at all, and the bureaucrats and our elected officials don't have the capacity to fully understand the things for which there is limited oversight. 

I feel like we are about to become the mutants from I Am Legend, after taking the vaccine. 

Friday, June 4, 2021



I'm a Lizard Hary

How do I feel?  Disappointed in myself.  I'm a sellout.  I did something I didn't entirely agree with.  ...and I did it because everybody else was doing it.  No, I'm disgusted.  I did the math.  I took a vaccine created to combat a created virus.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wokeness, Postmodernism, & Neo-Marxism

It's entering the workplace, just as harassment training and sensitivity training once did.  The difference?  The former were to protect people from being subjected to uncomfortable ideas in the workplace.  The training that will be coming will be forcing ideas on people, ironically.  How is this type of proselytizing not harassment in and of itself, when we tell people they must say certain things?  We are supposed to have work places free of proselytizing.  We've gone from not having people subjected to the opinions and thoughts of others that they don't agree with, to subjecting people to sociopolitical views they don't agree with and forcing them to say that they are the correct views.  I hope more workplaces follow the lead of Basecamp and make their workplaces politics free zones.


Sharing with your wife the phrase honesty is not the best policy quickly proves the truth of the statement.

Sad Day of Reflection

William Shatter recently turned 90 years old.  He commented in reflection that we should take it easy, because in the end nothing matters.  Today was my first visit with Dad, post third wave.  It's been months since the last stay at home order was issued by the province.  Dad is now, and has been for some time, living in a retirement residence.  It wasn't a bad visit and trip out to Seaforth, other than I killed two animals. 

A squirrel ran out in front of me, which I couldn't avoid.  Then, a bird on the road didn't fly away.  I felt both squish under the tire.  I'm getting to liberal maybe, but it was sad.  Perish the thought.

Reflecting on the visit, I pondered many things.  Dad and I don't have much to discuss.  We can't talk politics or religion, and he has nothing to do.  Current events are out anyways, as his memory is so bad.  So, he reverts to talking about the past.  When he slanders family members, I change the subject.

We got coffee from Tim Horton's and headed to the old air base in Clinton.  It's sort of nostalgic for him, as he served on several. 

Continuing to reflect, I always marveled at the things my grandfather witnessed in his life.  He was born into a world in which beasts of burden were the main means of transportation.  He saw (lived through) the death of Queen Victoria, of Victorian Age fame, Canada's first monarch.  He saw the invention of the automobile.  He saw first flight happen.  He saw the invention of the radio.  Then, he saw the invention of the television.  He lived through two world wars, and missed serving in both due to age, too young & too old.  Although, he was in the Militia during or shortly before of after the second.  He saw man land on the Moon!  He lived to see the invention of networked computers and the internet, although he may not have understood.  There can't have been too many people who experienced all that.  From horse and cart to space flight and instant communication, it must have been something for a former telegraph operator.

As I continued to reflect, I thought about my own dad.  Maybe he has witnessed equally great transformation in his lifetime, although not necessarily technological.  A self proclaimed technophobe who doesn't stray beyond a digital alarm clock but prefers an analogue one, he was--at one time--a computer programmer.  In the 70s, I believe, he used paper punch cards to program.  However, the social changes he has witnessed are enormous.  Born into a world fighting totalitarianism, we now are no longer free to associate, assemble, travel, work, purchase what we desire, etc...  Even free speech is being challenged and maybe soon freedom of thought also.  A coldwarrior, he stood to defend us from socialism.  Now, it is openly embraced as we--as a society--blame all evils on free market capitalism.  When my dad was a boy, there were Orange lodges in every town.  Shops closed on Sundays.  People went to Church.  Homosexuality was a criminal offense, for which you could be hanged, I believe.  Now, we are in Pride Month.  Civil rights were being fought for and there was rampant racism in the deep South.  Now, White people are privileged orchestrates of oppression with retribution being demanded for past offenses, and things like Toxic Masculinity, Subconscious Bias, Benevolent Sexism, Micro Aggression, Male Privilege, and Colour Blind Racism exist.  People didn't believe in evolution when he was a boy.  Now, we've just released the first batch of genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild.

It's been roughly 25 years since my grandfather was in the retirement home, where he passed away alone.  Now, Dad is all alone and lonely.  At least my estranged brother visits him once a week.  He has that.  And, who know what another 25 years will bring.