Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Last Post

Sorry guys.  The last post was sitting in my draft box, probably for years.  It is a quite lengthy Facebook posting from a past attempt to save my political & religious comments and preserve them in my blog.  It did remind me of an unfortunate old conflict though.  The funny thing is, I was looking for this very text on Facebook for days to cite the text in a subsequent argument.  I couldn't find it.  I searched and searched.  Ironically, coincidentally, or divinely, I find it now after the person has deleted me from their friend list.  Tragically, the person couldn't live with my point of view.  I must admit my fault of very much wanting to do the same.

I read it again, and it got me thinking.  I've often been confused by the vehement opposition many Atheists have to Church.  I assume it's a learned behavior, or that there is some trauma in their history.  When they lash out, what to do?  Could I have handled it differently?  Probably.  Should I have?  In retrospect, it seems so.  In the face of an affront that intends to destroy faith, it's difficult for one who loves God to not react emotionally.  But, is it the best way to minister to others, to carry forth the Gospel?  Probably not.  It is a very difficult challenge to minister to the hurting, the reluctant, those who find it repugnant, one we are not adequately prepared for.  God said that he would give those who were called the words that they would speak, and I'm sure He still does so.  And, maybe we're not supposed to convert or win people back on the spot and rather plant the seed that will grow and begin their journey.  God will do the work, make the change.  Maybe by our witness, we sow the seed or turn people away by our behavior.  I'm not speaking of hypocrisy, as hypocrisy abounds everywhere.  I've posted many times about how the unChurched perceive Christians.  They truth is that nobody is perfect, and that includes Christians who profess high standards that even they can not attain but rather aspire to.  It is a goal, a model, and a struggle. 

FATHER, strengthen and guide me.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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