Friday, February 26, 2016

Foot Steps: A new Story

Lord, when I look back at my life, I see two sets of foot prints a lot of the way.  But, in my most difficult times,  I see one set of foot prints in the sand.

I have always loved you.  I have always been with you.  For much of that time, I carried you.

Yes, maybe, but for a lot of that I time I walked myself through the difficult times!  Where were you then!  You carried others for longer!  

You refused to allow me to carry you the whole way, and I followed as you stumbled.  Can you not recall how you screamed at me, pushed me away?  You struck me and told me to get away from you.  But, I did not give up on you.  When you lost your way, I continued to stay close.  I did not give up on you.  On this lost and dangerous path, I died protecting you from those who pursued you from this path for your very being so that you could live.

I had no idea.  I'm so sorry Lord.

I forgive you for I love you,  and I'd suffer again if it were needed.

I don't deserve this Lord.  

Love me just as I have loved you.  Love others as you love me.

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