Saturday, February 6, 2016


I read an article that the new commissioner of baseball is lamenting the fact that there is only 1 black manager in the majors this year.  Well, with a national population of roughly 300 million and roughly 30 million African Americans in the United States, with 30 teams in the majors I would say that the ratio is right where it should be anyway.  There's talk of hiring more black minor league staff so that there will be more available in future to take major league manager positions.  Shouldn't they be hiring people based on ability?  I'm so tired of affirmative action.  It reminds me of Dad's story of the air force promoting the top 5 English guys and the top 5 French guys to sergeant regardless of where they finished on their test scores.  Do you want good sergeants to have a good service, or do you want to put your liberal values before security?  Don't answer that; I apparently have a Syrian refugee living on my three block street.  When some family dies in Toronto in five years time from a car bomb, it will be because liberals playing God have decided that votes matter more than innocent Canadian lives.

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