Sunday, February 28, 2016

There is no I in Team.

ODSP vs Ontario Works

My issue has never been with those who can't work; it is with those who won't work.  They have earned my contempt.

Welfare is a sin and anyone unwilling to work should not eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:7-13New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us; we were not idle when we were with you, and we did not eat anyone’s bread without paying for it; but with toil and labor we worked night and day, so that we might not burden any of you. This was not because we do not have that right, but in order to give you an example to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat. 11 For we hear that some of you are living in idleness, mere busybodies, not doing any work. 12 Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. 13 Brothers and sisters,[a] do not be weary in doing what is right.

Ancient Rome

Why did Rome decay from the inside?  Well, our federal government wants to make us even more of a welfare state.  Those who work for a living are supporting those who vote for a living.  Is is stupid to work hard?  I don't know anymore.

Lotto Tickets

Cindy says she hates lotto tickets because they're a waste of money.  I buy them once in a while.  It's fun to imagine what I'd do with the winnings.  But, for many, there's evil in gambling.  And, I won't tell them different.  If you've been reading my blog, you know why.  So, why do I buy them?  Well, for me the evil is to put your trust in anything but God.  And, I'm not counting on a win to change my life or putting my hopes in winning.  It's fun to think about, but it is entertainment.  The truth is that I've already won the lotto, beaten the odds.  I have a nice home, a good paying job, am in good health, have my parents with me still, have a loving wife, want for nothing, have a smart and healthy daughter, and have many more blessings.  God has blessed me greatly and to Him go all the thanks.  For, I do not deserve all these blessings.  Many have less, suffer, and go hungry.  So, the lotto has already been won, so to speak.  Thanks be to God Almighty.


You want plumper lashes?  Take them to McDonald's once a day.

Hokey Wow

Bawk Bawk Boom!

The Last Post

Sorry guys.  The last post was sitting in my draft box, probably for years.  It is a quite lengthy Facebook posting from a past attempt to save my political & religious comments and preserve them in my blog.  It did remind me of an unfortunate old conflict though.  The funny thing is, I was looking for this very text on Facebook for days to cite the text in a subsequent argument.  I couldn't find it.  I searched and searched.  Ironically, coincidentally, or divinely, I find it now after the person has deleted me from their friend list.  Tragically, the person couldn't live with my point of view.  I must admit my fault of very much wanting to do the same.

I read it again, and it got me thinking.  I've often been confused by the vehement opposition many Atheists have to Church.  I assume it's a learned behavior, or that there is some trauma in their history.  When they lash out, what to do?  Could I have handled it differently?  Probably.  Should I have?  In retrospect, it seems so.  In the face of an affront that intends to destroy faith, it's difficult for one who loves God to not react emotionally.  But, is it the best way to minister to others, to carry forth the Gospel?  Probably not.  It is a very difficult challenge to minister to the hurting, the reluctant, those who find it repugnant, one we are not adequately prepared for.  God said that he would give those who were called the words that they would speak, and I'm sure He still does so.  And, maybe we're not supposed to convert or win people back on the spot and rather plant the seed that will grow and begin their journey.  God will do the work, make the change.  Maybe by our witness, we sow the seed or turn people away by our behavior.  I'm not speaking of hypocrisy, as hypocrisy abounds everywhere.  I've posted many times about how the unChurched perceive Christians.  They truth is that nobody is perfect, and that includes Christians who profess high standards that even they can not attain but rather aspire to.  It is a goal, a model, and a struggle. 

FATHER, strengthen and guide me.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

March 16-31, 2013

March 31

William Ramier commented on a link.
Well, I'm off to play important video games. I gave them up for Lent.

William Ramier commented on a link.
On the other hand, you have five fingers.... I mean, on the other hand, lots of my Christian friends won't accept the idea the God used evolution. They also push one vs. the other. I don't see a conflict.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I don't know about that, but it's a thought. It's been my experience that Darwinists push the idea that it has to be one or the other, and logically if it's evolution then there is no God.

William Ramier commented on a link.
What I can't stand is how he pushed a petition in the UK to have parents who taught their children Christian teachings loose custody of those children for child abuse, arguing that religion was harmful to their mental development and limited (damaged them) them in life.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Google decides to honor Socialist, labor leader Cesar Chavez rather than give any recognition to Easter. Google has a history of failing to honor Christian and patriotic holidays. How do you feel about that? LIKE and SHARE if you are outraged.


William Ramier commented on a link.
In the beginning there was nothing, space, particles maybe, perhaps hydrogen, but it was a void. Then, God said those words we all know, "Let there be light." Like perhaps a big bang, I don't know. Or, it could have been our own sun (the traditional understanding). After the big bang, stars and planets formed. The Earth cooled. Ah, yes, the seven days. Well, when Jesus said that you must be...See More

William Ramier commented on a link.
I know, I'm a huge fan of your page, and thanks.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I don't see a conflict. I don't know quite where to start. I'll give it a shot.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Well, at least you asked and didn't go off one me.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
It was The Prince, not the former President who said these words.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I'm going to get flak for this but, both.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Lets hope and pray it isn't needed.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

What’s happening in Cyprus has struck terror into the hearts of all who live under the unaccountable rule of politician-bankers 

LEVANT: Bankster squad

As well it should.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Would you 'LIKE' to know if a house you plan on buying was used as a grow-op or illegal drug lab?

Ontario realtors applaud grow-op registry:


William Ramier commented on his own link.
Do you think the media is one sided on the issue?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Do you think Guns are evil Paul Huntington?

William Ramier commented on a link.
What is Hell?
I don't know; I have a little different view on my responsibilities as a Christian. It's my duty to take the Gospel to them, yes. But, it the seeds fall on rocky ground, there isn't much I can do about it. God has to act. Nobody comes to the Father except by the Son. So, it is not my responsibility to tell them what they are going to hell for. Yes, St. Paul did speak of gently correcting; ho...See More

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Give me a Thumbs Up if you're all too familiar with this contraption!

We still use one at work.

William Ramier commented on his own post.
Oh, you wouldn't believe how much. It's like an Oasis on the internet. Thank you.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Been there. I'm so sick of people saying that PM Harper has been in power for almost a decade. No, he hasn't. He has only had a majority for just over a year. So, I understand how a conservative government in a minority position would have to make deals. Still....

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Actually, the conservative sites are quite friendly to me. It's the posts I make on my own wall that generate all the hate mail.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Why would the government care what a paper wrote? Don't they have freedom of the press in the UK?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
It sure doesn't sound like we do to me. From where I stand, it's a very hostile environment.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I like that.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Pray for peace.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is an actual sign that our founder Todd Cefaratti saw in California. Amazing that the same government that actively advertises for people to get on food stamps and other government assistance using the narrative that people just 'need a little help' warns against feeding squirrels so that they do not become dependent. LIKE and SHARE if you believe you see the hypocrisy!


William Ramier commented on a link.

March 30

William Ramier commented on a photo.

"Easter. A time when all of the usual characters can make banal jokes about Christianity and abuse a faith because they know its followers will not try to hurt them in response.

I’ve outlined the arguments for Christ and his creed many times, but now something different."

COREN: A prince of a man

You mean we're not going to storm a consulate Toronto. Come on.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
The fools! What are they doing!

William Ramier commented on a link.
...ourselves, yes, others, no.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I think Winston Churchill said it best when he said that it was not a good form of government, but that it was the best we have. We will have to agree to disagree on the religion issue.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
You would not have to take MRE under "my" system. And, I disagree with what you think is needed and what you say. That's the beauty of living an a democratic nation where we should be free; BTW, democracy is a good thing and not without it's horrors--just like religion. Democracy allowed the enslavement of a people because of their skin.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I know about the problems in Israel. Yes, there are problems. There is hate in the world. I'm not advocating violence here. I'm advocating religious freedom. The freedom to practice your faith outside your Church/mosque/temple etc.... No, you should not confine your faith to these spaces. That is correct. In the Holy Land, there are sites holy to all three faiths. I would like to see thos...See More

William Ramier commented on his own link.
If I prayed to Jesus in a mosque during an active Muslim service, I would be disrupting their worship. If we changed every worship service, every religion, it would cease to be; those of that faith would loose their faith, and would not be free. The holy places of each faith are where people gather to practice a specific faith, to worship, to teach, and to help each other. It should not, however, be confined to these spaces. There are already places of interfaith worship and multi-faith prayer rooms. I respect a Jewish or Muslim person's right to worship in their holy places without my interference, just as I hope they respect me and allow me to worship unmolested in my Church.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Didn't you say that a Church was not a public place? Freedom of religion would not permit me to pray to Jesus in a mosque. That's Muslims' place of worship--a holly place for them, and I respect that. I have no issue with Islam being practiced in public though.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Why are you so vehemently opposed? We should all be free.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
They can set up candles for Hanukkah and crescent moons too. I don't mind. We are supposed to be a mosaic society, not one of censorship. A Christmas Tree's presence is not imposing anything. It's public worship, something we're supposed to be free to engage in.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
But, when Christmas Trees are removed from public buildings, when public worship is restricted, when faith is restricted in schools, we are not free.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Freedom of religion, as a constitutional right, does not just include in the Church and the home.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Lots of things have horrors in their past, not just religion. We should all be free.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
There is a difference between studying a religion and practicing a faith.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
It was not required.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Thanks Ed. :(

When I went to school, public school in Quebec, we had religious instruction. I'd like to see it return to the public school system. We had different classes for different faiths. I think it worked well. It taught students who whey were by where they came from. It helped to carry faith and culture forward. It was taught alongside English, math, science, and French. I think it was a system that worked well.

I have no problem with Islam being taught under this system. I would like to see all faiths free in society. That's what I want. I hope we achieve it before things get worse.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Freedom of religion is the issue of the meme. The brainwashing is that religion and science are enemies. The brainwashing is that religion is harmful.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
It's about freedom and culture, not inquisitions.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

When the Ontario Soccer Association announced scorekeeping would be eliminated in under-12 leagues by 2014, the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association created an online survey to ask Albertans if they should do the same.

“We have close to 600 responses and so far only three have agreed with Ontario,” said association president Mario Charpentier.


'LIKE' if you think Alberta has it right.

Everybody's a winner.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Canada is working with its allies to pursue all appropriate actions and sanctions against North Korea in light of the regime's escalating taunts against its neighbours and the US. 

Canada condemns North Korean threats:

Kim Jong-Un is a master of looking at stuff

I wish North Korea would stop; they're going to make us do this all over again.

William Ramier commented on a status.
hear hear

William Ramier commented on a link.
An old KGB guy would see the value in crushing freedom of speech.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

"He was a straight talker and his whole public life he had never let the disdain of his opponents in his own and other parties or in the media get him down. Instead, he always turned that disdain to his advantage."

Gunter: We have lost a great Albertan


William Ramier commented on a photo.

What did a student pilot forget to do that caused him to get thrown from a plane?

Pack a parachute?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Want to be at Fenway for Opening Day on April 8th? Enter our Home Opener Sweeps now for your chance to score 2 tix. Plus, share with friends for more entries!

Not open to Canadian fans! That sucks. :p
I wanna go.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I have been know to meditate, sometimes using Anglican prayer beads (much like a Catholic rosary). It's not that common a practice; many Christians feel that meditation/using prayer beads is not okay (and that's okay too). I believe the Desert Fathers meditated, and it was practiced and modified by many Christian religious orders over the centuries. There are a few Anglican orders here in Canada, if I may plug them:

William Ramier commented on a status.
A Rabbit can dream, can't he?

William Ramier commented on a link.
...except when we offend somebody (or risk offending somebody); then we should be censored and oppressed.

William Ramier commented on a status.
So, does this mean that liberals will finally stop posting the "if every child would meditate" memes?

William Ramier commented on a status.
Here comes the Richard Dawkinites.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I'm sorry. Where is this going to happen?

William Ramier commented on his own link.

I think that's what the poster was going for.

March 29

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Once again, since Obama did not get his way, he is doing it anyway with executive orders (i.e. royal edicts). This time, his target is YOUR gun rights! LIKE and SHARE if you are outraged that he continuously ignores our system of government!

Why is Facebook blocking me from agreeing with this post?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

She hasn't followed me back on Twitter yet (her husband Chris follows me) but she is now my favorite Pro-Gun Advocate and she is a very strong Conservatarian.

hear hear

William Ramier commented on a photo.



William Ramier commented on a link.
How can he get away with this! Can't they sue?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Good. Good! GOOD! Get rid of him!

William Ramier commented on a link.
We don't want him back. Keep him, please.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

On the surface level, Liberalism seems like a great idea. 
Keep up with the times, everyone pays their fair share, everyone is taken care of, everyone is tolerant, no wars...etc. 

If only that were the case, right? 
Truth is, Liberalism is far different. I know they aren't all like this, but the ones I've seen are some of the most fowl-mouthed, immature, stubborn people you'll ever come across. 
Rare is it that I can debate them without being called names, and usually those names are sexual. 
They love to bring up racism, proving that they are the racists. 
They love to protest and ban things they don't agree with. So much for tolerance, eh? 
No wars? Get real. I don't like wars either, but I know that humanity will always be at war. Besides, their president is more of a war-monger than Bush ever was. And in Canada, it was the Liberal government who sent our troops to the middle east, not the Conservatives. 

If this is not how Liberalism is supposed to be, they haven't shown me otherwise. 

<<Captain Magnus>>

There's a huge difference between Classic Liberalism (what liberals think they are) and modern liberalism (big government, censorship, anti tolerance, over regulation, big brother, over spending, hand outs, over taxing, anti military, etc...); modern liberalism

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

Why isn't everyone aware of this? Why do they hide it?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.


William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

So true

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
This is high school student council politics.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Kinda hard to eat pizza without arms, isn't it?  ;)


William Ramier commented on a post.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Sigh.  Ain't it the truth.

That's about the size of it.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Ezra Levant takes a closer look at the Liberal leadership rules and thinks Justin may be in for a surprise on election day. 


Would you ‘LIKE’ it if Justin Trudeau got upset by one of the other Liberal leadership contenders?

Like it? It would be like December 25th again.

William Ramier commented on a link.
The problem with socialism is the pigs always drink the milk.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.


William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a post.
Happy Birthday

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.


William Ramier commented on a photo.

From Sun News Network, have a blessed Good Friday


William Ramier commented on a photo.

On this Good Friday may we never forget the true meaning of Easter - 'For when He was on the cross, I was on His mind.'


William Ramier commented on a photo.

Enough of this horse shit. It's time for a small preemptive strike to show this lunatic it's not the 1950's anymore.~B~

Drop a bunker buster on his palace. Crisis over.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

COMMENT: If these were the only two choices, who would you choose for president in 2016...

Hillary Clinton or a Republican that supports civil unions for gay couples?

Gay Republican every time. This decision is easy and straight forward, if I could vote. Straight forward. See what I did there? But seriously, (s)he is still Republican. I'd vote for a LGBT African American Republican lady over a white middle aged straight Christian Democrat man. It's not about their skin, private parts, or their bedroom.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

FATAH: Why fly Pakistani flag in Canada? 

'LIKE' if you agree the Canadian flag should never play second fiddle on Canadian soil.

Should we even be asking this question!

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Yep - plesse like and share


William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Happy Good Friday! 

<<Captain Magnus>>


William Ramier commented on a photo.

Referring to the sentencing of a man who impregnated his 15 year old foster child, the judge in the case said, "While I am sympathetic to (her) plight, sending Mr. Smith to jail is not going to cure her state of being."


Do you agree that house arrest is no justice for the theft of a child's innocence?

That sick son of a bitch. He should be removed.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Everyone is excited for Opening Week! Even this guy.

The San Francisco Giants are in town Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Get tickets:


William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.



William Ramier commented on a photo.

Ralph Klein, former Albertan premier, has died. From all of us at Sun News, our sincerest condolences.



William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

This is what Easter is about. Whatever you choose to believe about it does not change that fact.


March 28

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Being asked to wait 124 days (17.7 weeks) for surgery is unacceptable. This, however, is the reality that Canadian patients face today. We measure health care wait times across Canada (PDF):


William Ramier commented on a link.
Are they going to make us do this again?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Sorry, what did I do?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservative Newsfeed's photo.


William Ramier commented on a status.
You hit the west end of a raccoon heading east?

William Ramier commented on a photo.


You mean when I'm a "bigot" I'm right?

March 27

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Of course they're all over it; they're anti conservative. These back bench MPs are giving them just what they want. They're having a field day. These MPs are going to hand PET Jr. the PMO.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It sounds like a cult; it really does.

William Ramier commented on a link.
What a waste of your time.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I like that you said it hasn't affected you and that God can judge.

William Ramier commented on his own link.

March 26

William Ramier commented on a photo.

3 articles are a must read; then you decide -  WTF

Please like and share

Sorry, that's a typo. It's supposed to read without. I will edit it.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Oh no, what did I do?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

That about sums it up

Please like and share

He sure had a way with words.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

“Grace, you’re a great cook. You’re going to make a wonderful wife for somebody.” 


Do you ‘LIKE’ this compliment?

It was picked up by CBC? Not CBC? But my liberal friends assured me they aren't anti conservative.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Are they going to make us do this again?

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Don't they have privacy laws in the United States?

William Ramier commented on a link.
The F-18S have cracks in the fuselage. I thought it was a good idea at the time; it is cheaper to buy into an American program than to invest in R&D and infrastructure we don't have.

William Ramier commented on a link.
School Bans the Word 'Easter'
Where's the free speech? Where's the freedom of religion?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

NHL legend Sutter talks up Keystone at White House: 

Do you 'LIKE' that Darryl Sutter stood up for Canadian jobs?


William Ramier commented on a link.
Those back bench MPs are going to hand PET Jr. the PMO.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Conservative backbenchers are in a mini-revolt against the Prime Minister’s office.

Whose side are you on? Read and decide

They need to sit down and shut the hell up. Fools like those are going to hand PET Jr. the PMO.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

I can't even begin to tell you about my disappointment that John Kerry is our Secretary of State...  He disrespects everything about the military, especially those of us who serve!  << Aurora  >>

You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.

Embarassing isn't even scratching the surface!!


William Ramier commented on a photo.

What did you REALLY think of Enterprise? Join us as we take a second look at

I loved it.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Is he having that bad a spring?

William Ramier commented on a status.
I'm really starting to hate the world.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
The problem with socialism is that the pigs drink all the milk.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
BTW, the back bench MP seems to be speaking just fine.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Party politics? That's party business. The party whip has to keep them in line. The party leader was elected by the party members, knowing their policy. The Canadian people elected the members to the House. The party with the most seats, usually governs until the next election. It's totally democratic. That's party politics. In Jeffersonian democracy, there would be no parties. But, because we can't all agree, we associate with like minded people. Parties form.

March 25

William Ramier commented on a link.
I think George Carline hit the nail on the head when he talked about child worship.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It's mine.

William Ramier commented on a link.
You are welcome; come if you "feel so moved".

William Ramier commented on a link.
Kidding, kidding!

William Ramier commented on a link.
You know this means you have to come to Maundy Thursday's service now, right?

he he

William Ramier commented on a link.
Does every single person who is on your friends list know though? What about the friends on their friend list when they like and share it. I'm just doing my job. Some people don't know. There are people who don't know why there are numbers in the Bible. There are people who don't know what all the plus signs are doing in a Church. It's funny and will spread. I'm witnessing, as I'm called to do. Perhaps, God's plan was that this would be posted SO that people could witness. After all, Caiaphas prophesied about Jesus. I'm just doing my job. :P

Thanks for the opportunity to witness.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Didn't somebody launch a Christmas fruitcake into Detroit from Windsor with a homemade catapult?

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Education is how you protect people, not stripping their rights.

William Ramier commented on a link.
...also see: Filled with the Holy Spirit; Accepting Jesus into your heart.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It's like the monolog at the end of St. John's Gospel, where Jesus is speaking to the disciples gathered together; He tells them, well, I'll post it.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Background checks

Please like and share


William Ramier commented on a link.
That one writer made a good point about amnesty for illegal aliens. Maybe he's pushing it so hard because he's trying to protect himself. I don't care if he's American or African personally; however, there's a law that says the President has to be American born. Or, am I wrong?

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Hear hear!

William Ramier commented on a status.

March 24

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I've been defriended by 10-15 people on Facebook since the Christmas break you know. I hope you stick around.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Hell no.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I like small businesses.

William Ramier commented on a link.
...and tattoos & clothing with two fabrics too. What about shellfish and lobster.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I disagree with the left...a lot.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I think Voltaire said it best when he said that he disagreed with what they were saying but that he would fight to the death for their right to say it.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
The left has become so unpalatable to me (polarization and personal attacks) that I am turned off by left environmentalism.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Did you ever hear Preston Manning's speech on Green Conservatism? It's been written off by the left vote buying, a farce, and noneffective. I see it as another avenue.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm sorry if I have offended you Ed. I'm just trying to advocate for the right. We need a voice too.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Does that make me sexist/racist. I've been told it does. I've been told I am. I've been told that "democratic socialism" is the only true way, and that if I'm against it then I am unCanadian.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I want everybody treated equal under the law.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I want crime control, not gun control.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I want less government, less taxes, less socialism, less welfare (except for those who CAN'T support themselves).

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm advocating free speech and freedom of expression.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm advocating personal responsibility.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm not advocating racism or censorship. I'm advocating conservatism and individual freedom.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
When people speak out strongly in support of conservatism, they are a Nazi.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I bit my tongue for a long long time Ed. And, people walked all over me and my ideas, assuming I was liberal, never considering that they were offending me or that I might think different than they do. I got sick of it. Again, we have the polarization. People mistook my silence for lack of opposition. Also, conservatives are shamed into being quiet. They are told they are wrong and stupid, everywhere. It gnaws away at you.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
To say he is wrong is not to say he is an idiot. And, I thought I've been careful about that.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
How does somebody who is anti democrat, for instance, express the opinion that the President is the wrong person for the job, is leading people down the wrong road?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I will endeavor to be more careful and thoughtful when I post. But, how do you separate the politician from the politics?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Getting rid of Muslims for being different is no better than making the Jews wear a star.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I try not to post intolerant posts. Some sites want the Muslims gone from North America. I have made my opposition know on those sites. I don't like liberal policy. I don't hide that anymore. But, I try to be tolerant. I also try to speak for conservatism. They clash; however, I want to promote individual freedom and support freedom of religion and culture and expression.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
If Jewish people want a menorah there or Muslims want a crescent moon, I have no problem with that.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
But the very people who praise diversity, remove Christmas Trees from Toronto public buildings.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
But they are not foreign if they are liberal ideas to a liberal. Conservative ideas then become foreign.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
It is not ridiculing and belittling or insulting.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Tolerance is not exclusion or censorship.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
It is thought by many that liberalism leads the way in fighting for tolerance. I don't want tolerance to become simply being liberal.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Studies have shown that we are not receptive to foreign ideas. We subconsciously surround ourselves with those who think like we think. The longer we live, the more we advocate that way of thinking and close ourselves off to different ways of thinking.

William Ramier commented on his own link.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Yes, yes, great good/evil. Use it for good. I understand Master Jedi.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Sometimes I hate it (internet). There's so much evil.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
What is tolerance?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm sick of the hypocrisy and the double standards.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm angry at always being attacked.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
There's a lot of hate on here Ed (the internet), and I have been exposed to more than my fair share of it as of late.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I disagree. I think conservatism is the best way forward. Terrorism is not the answer. Democracy and education are the way forward.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
That is what science is supposed to do. I have observed that some set out with a goal and try to find evidence to prove it (whatever their goal is--religious, environmental, political, etc).

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Also, I'm not a big fan of environmental extremists limiting our freedoms. And, I really don't like terrorists, a lot.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
There are global patterns of cold and warming, through out the ages. They can see it in the ice core samples.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Like I said, it's polarizing; however, I'm not advocating the censorship of liberal speech or the outlawing of liberal activities. I TRY to be civil and I try not to be insulting.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Current political events have been very polarizing.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Environmental extremists are extremists.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I don't like extremists.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
The ice age and it's departing was not man caused either.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm not convinced that it is man caused.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I don't deny climate change.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm so sick of all the liberal hate mail.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I believe that democracy (the people's right to choose) shouldn't just be a one party choice.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I think people should have the freedom to express thoughts.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I think conservatism another way forward, a better way.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I thing conservatives are under attack by the main stream media, ridiculed, labeled as narrow minded, stupid, unintelligent, and bigoted, thought to be xenophobic and hate filled, caring no more for their fellow man than a dog, not enough to spend one cent on the poor or suffering, thought to advocate for totalitarianism, called Nazis, hated and bombarded with vehement words and speech. Liberalism is taught, not as a way forward, but as the only correct way forward.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I want to try these.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.

William Ramier's photo.


William Ramier commented on his own link.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
...with Paul Huntington.

March 23

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Colin Powell. = RINO - luv this one

Please dislike and share

I like Powell. I wish he had ran for President as a Republican. The first black president could have/should have been Republican.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

3 articles are a must read; then you decide -  WTF

Please like and share

Do you honestly believe that they can take citizens' guns away without billions of rounds to threaten them with?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservative Newsfeed's photo.

I have already seen this idea in The Rage Against God, a great book.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Don't miss the final Liberal Leadership Debate today at 1PM eastern. 

MORE: Liberals worried about 'embarrassing' leadership vote turnout


William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Happy Birthday to John.

William Ramier commented on a link.
We're like hamsters sometimes, when they eat their young.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

A Toronto man wanted for a violent robbery shot himself in the head as he wrestled with police officers at a Burger King parking lot last Sunday.


That's why the SIU was called. What happened with other media reporting? They made it sound like the police shot him.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

Don't like people burning fossil fuels, then stop driving your car.

William Ramier commented on a photo.



William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

March 22

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Tea Party Stand Up's photo.


William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I sure friggen hope so.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on his own post.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Lowering the Corporate tax rate has cost Canada $53 Billion in lost revenue so far.  Zero jobs to show for it.  Corporations in Canada are currently hoarding record cash reserves and NOT reinvesting into our economy.  They used to in the 60's and 70's... not anymore:

How many people do you know who don't work for a company? What is the percentage? Most of us are employed by businesses. They allow us to pay our mortgages and buy our cars. The less tax they pay, the more profitable they are, the bigger they get. The bigger they get, the more people they employ, the more people buy houses and cars and food and clothes. Our retirement savings are often investments in these very corporations through stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc... We own those very corporations. Corporations are easy targets. Taxing them makes them far less effective as a vehicle to our affluence.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Silent Majority's photo.

Yeah, I remember just a few years ago when the terrorist group Poutine Back Bacon (the dreaded PBB group) launched their deadly rocket attack into Detroit from Windsor, Ontario. Canadians are so dangerous.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Do you ‘LIKE’ the additional $65 million in the 2013 fiscal plan to help the families of fallen soldiers?



William Ramier commented on a link.
Muslims Hate Obama More Than Bush
That's strange.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

I believe it was Churchill who said that democracy wasn't a good form on government, but that it was the best we have.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.


William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.
What did he lie about?

William Ramier commented on a status.
I think they should make it a state. Then, when they attack Israel, it will be an act of war. Israel can then declare war and crush them.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Nice? It's a dream.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I think I heard a story once about somebody in Windsor launching a fruitcake into Detroit with a home made catapult.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

Good for her.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I did hear about the bingo incident.

William Ramier commented on his own link.

March 21

William Ramier commented on his own status.

William Ramier commented on his own status.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
I'm at work.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
No, he didn't poison us. We're okay. It was good.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
Don't worry. No porcupines were harmed in the making of this meal.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
Thanks Paul.

William Ramier commented on a link.
What about Jews? Do we remove statehood from them to make the Muslims happy?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Haha - please like and share

ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Got lights?

 North Korea - please like and share


William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Now here's a cause I can get behind. Senator Harry Reid blames seven Marine deaths on sequestration! Demand Dingy Harry's resignation today!


March 20

William Ramier commented on a status.
Maybe they should have to have a warrant for that too.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Tomorrow's federal budget will focus on retraining and infrastructure: 

'LIKE' if you think the Harper government is leading Canada in the right direction.

I thought he was only supposed to get new shoes if they balance the budget?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Any in Toronto any time soon?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Bill that would strip traitors of citizenship faces hurdles: 
'LIKE' if you support stripping the Canadian citizenship from dual-citizens who betray Canada.


William Ramier commented on a link.
Isn't that what Ralph Klein said years ago?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Why are they burning pictures of Obama?

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.


William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a link.
Now that would be a herculean task.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Happy Birthday!

William Ramier commented on a status.
That's bull. Why do they get in without a warrant? Has the dad been charged with anything?

March 19

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Anyone have any opinions on this case? Should they have been tried as adults? Should they be labeled sex offenders for life or should at some point, have their records sealed? I know ( well I think I know) more people should have been charged, but with what? I just want to get a feel for peoples attitudes towards this.~B~

Why are people so stupid?

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I like this idea. I'd be in favor of getting rid of income tax and paying a 30% sales tax.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I don't have a problem with Joe (I mean akbar) Muslim. It's extremists that are dangerous. Unfortunately, you can't tell them apart (which makes us vulnerable); and, we live in a world that breads extremists. As a Christian, I believe that their faith is wrong. As a conservative libitarian who values individual rights for all vs. minority rights, I believe they have the right to worship whatever way they want. Is it right to tell a citizen they can't be Muslim? We need to invest more resources in finding out which ones are the extremists. Find the bad ones. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

March 18

William Ramier commented on a post.

William Ramier commented on a post.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Part of the problem is that people don't vote. When I worked in a union shop, we had about 400 employees. About 25 would show up for a union meeting. If you don't want money spent on things you don't agree with, get out and vote.

March 17

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Wow...I wish we could have her run for PM.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.
You've got Celtic roots, do you not?

William Ramier commented on a status.
Happy belated.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Drunk and stoned. I hope the judge makes him serve the sentences consecutively.

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Who wore it better?


William Ramier commented on a link.
I thought the statistics supported the gun carrier?

William Ramier commented on a photo.

Who wins the World Baseball Classic?


William Ramier commented on his own link.
I'm not a big fan of eco-terriorism and green nazism either though.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
TDSB sics police on blogger

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Inclusion doen not equal exclusion.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Some who died were. It might comfort them to have it there. I am against religious censorship.

March 16