Thursday, December 18, 2014


Bigot:  I believe everybody should be treated equal.  I don't believe in work quotas.  I don't believe that we should discriminate against anybody based on skin colour or gender (no matter how it is justified).  I believe that we should hire based on ability first.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


I was thinking about Ben Stine's movie Expelled and wondering how long it will be before Christians have to wear yellow stars.  We already do metaphorically.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wait Just a Minute While I Pull This Knife Out of My Back....

Machiavellian back stabbers, I don't want to sink to their level.  Now that I know, do I want them to know that I know?  Should I make them as uncomfortable as I can, or do I pretend I don't know?  Do I confront them and make them ashamed?  Ashamed for their cowardice?   Ashamed for their slipperiness?  Are they insecure?  Do they see me as a threat?  How do I interact with them in a cordial way now that I know; I can't be fake nice.  That disgusts me.  Can I stop it if I confront them?  Can I prevent it by using punishment as a conditioner?  If I ignore it all together, am I in any danger?  Must I sink to their level?  Am I weak for not?

Cowards All!

Atheists and North American feminists are cowards.  Where are the anti Ramadan billboards?  Where is the vocal public outrage over Middle Eastern Islamic State rape laws?  Why are Christians always the punching bag?  Why are white male Christians always the favorite target?  Be a real hero misandrists; fight for oppressed women in the Middle East.  Be a real champion militant Atheist bigots; fight for freedom of thought and expression for all.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Consider the Absurdity of the Following Statement

I don't believe in the existence of extra terrestrials because a kind and merciful alien wouldn't allow pain and suffering on Earth.

Hitler Said To Disarm The People

There is only one reason to have a gun registry, so that the government knows where the guns are to collect them.  High River showed us that.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Atheists have mounted an offensive anti Christian Christmas campaign. What else is new?

Atheists have mounted an offensive anti Christian Christmas campaign.  What else is new?  This new ad insults Christians for being child like and stupid for believing in God.  The ad reads something like, "Dear Santa:  All I want for Christmas is to skip Church this year; I'm too old to believe in fairy tales."  Sad.

Save Us Michael Coren

I missed an oportunity to hear Michael Coren speak at a conservative fund raiser once.  I was thinking about how I would love to hear him speak, and if I got to set the agenda.  It would be:

1.  Islamophilia.  Specifically, how can we have meaningingful diologue in society without being shut down by being labled bigots and having free speech attacked. 

2.  How do we advocate against social engineering to treat everybody the same when those who campaign for treating demographic groups differently seem to hold the moral upper ground?

3.  As people of faith, how do we protect our faith/tradition/culture/religion in the face of militant atheists and vehement anti Christian campaigns?  When is it okay to fight back and how do we do it?

KKK Not Working Hard Enough?

God forgive me for saying this but, maybe we need the KKK and white supremacists to step up the Jew hate to create some genuine results on the war against antisemitism.

Diocesan Evil

Everybody is taking sides on the Israel debate.  I was saddened to see, when I visited my Diocesan FB page, to see that the Diocese of Huron has sided with the Muslims in Israel.

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Good Day at St. Martin-in-the-Fields

As promised, here's the nuts and bolts of Saturday, albeit a day late.  I spent the day at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Toronto at a quiet day retreat.  It was a joint venture between the brothers from Holy Cross Priory, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and St. John.  It was led by Sr. Anne from SSJD in Toronto.  We used the words, and music, of Handel's Messiah.  We had three meditations of about 30 minutes each, proceeded with a talk by Sr. Anne.  It really made me think, which was the point I guess.  Chandra went with me.  I thought the quiet day would do both of us a world of good.

The first meditation was on the text from Isaiah 40:1-2 & 3.  We were asked what comforts us.  What comforts me is prayer, sleep, quiet, a good whiskey, a cruise vacation, good food, and gardening.  We were asked to reflect also on how we sense God's invitation to rest.  That's the problem; I don't.  I have a real problem sensing God's invitation.  We were asked what impression the music gave us, in all the meditations.  It didn't really; but then, I'm not musically gifted.  Where is my desert place, I was asked to ponder.  I guess work, stress, family often, money, and the Church are my desert place.  How will you begin to prepare the way for the Lord, we were challenged.  I had never looked at this scripture this way before.  I had always assumed God would do the preparing.  I found upon reflection that I am doing a p1$$ poor job of preparing the way.  We were asked then about what we would do to prepare a straight highway in the desert for God.  This, also, was a new concept to me.  Preparing a way for God in our desert was a new concept, at least in interpreting this scripture.  Let God into my desert by making a highway through it for Him, interesting.  How do I let Him in to my desert?  What do I have to do to make a highway in the desert?

The next two meditations turned outward, instructing us to reflect on how our parishes could basically do the same thing.  I had problems with this part.  Mostly, it was because I had trouble answering the questions because I can't see a way forward for St. Paul's due to my own conflict with the parish.  How does St. Paul's make a highway for God?  I have no friggen idea.  How will my parish bla bla?  I don't know how, because what's happening right now isn't working for me.  Who in the parish is good at highway building, lowering mountains, raising valleys, etc...?  I can think of people; but, they're not the ones running the show--except for Fr. Daniel. 

Overall, it was an enlightening day.  I did do a lot of reflection and self examination.  I found both that it was not long enough to give me a long lasting benefit, one day, and too long (I was ready to leave by the end--maybe due to the reflection about the parish).  That's not to say I didn't enjoy it; I really got a lot out of the self reflection and quiet.

Left Church

Cindy had said that if it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be going to Church, a nice comment.  However, I'd flip it now.  If it weren't for Cindy, currently, there's no way I'd be attending at St. Paul's.  There's lots of nice people we'd miss, Cindy will tell me.  It's true.  However, those people are not those who rule the roost.  They are not the ones who make me miserable.  I love the Anglican tradition, key word tradition. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

C Razy

What a crazy day!  It was, however, a great day with the brothers from OHC and Sr. Anne from SSJD.  But, more on that tomorrow.

I Wrote a Song

Generals gather from all classes
Just to save your sorry asses
Labeled evil by the leftists
Fighting for your rights AND leftists'
Bringing justice to oppression
Fight the despot's mad aggression

Leftists think they're the enlightened kind
They indoctrinate the scholastic mind
Preaching tolerance for the land
Condemn what they just don't understand

Watching innocents be slaughtered
They just can't be bothered
Just like Nevelle helped out Hitler
Peaceniks just f—radio edit—ing sit there
Oh Lord yeah (except if it offends Atheists, Muslims, or anti Christians)


Politicians forced to make the call
No one else will take the fall
Trying to protect us all
Not soon to be for-given if at all
Leftists think there's noting worth fighting for
Why do they always invoke the poor

Hand of God has struck the hour
Pacifists begin to cower
Begging mercies for inaction
Satan shows his satisfaction
Ah Lord yeah (except as above)



It has been very important to me to treat everybody the same; it has been that way for decades, me and my Dudley friggen Doright attitude.  I didn't pursue my band card so I could earn a police officer job.  I was then floored when I was told that I was too white; I also had a penis.  It seems society is filled up with racist opportunists, self loathing male caucasians, and ball bashing misandrists like my high school math teacher.  Now I'm questioning that value, not in favor of affirmative action, or social justice, or social engineering, or even personal interests, but self defense.

Friday, November 28, 2014


I seem to recall Canon Farr saying something like not having a problem with the commercialism of Christmas because it served us; it allowed us to be generous to one another, as when Marry used the expensive perfume on Jesus.  It seemed strange coming from a Priest in a society that complains about commercialism, the true meaning of the holiday, and even Christmas.

FB Posts

I really wanted to incorporate my FB posts in my blog.  I guess I didn't want to loose content.  After a few failed attempts from 2013, I called it quits.  I can't remember what I've written where, or how many times I have repeated myself here.  Please, bear with me.  :)


I recognize that world events have shaped my life.  9 11 had a huge impact on me.  The first Iraq war in '91 had a profound influence on me.  Princess Diana's death shocked me and was one of those I remember where I was when I heard events, as was 9 11.  9 11 made me feel angry.  It gave me a strong feeling of solidarity with our American cousins (I was quite anti American in my youth).  It made me feel unsafe and question the ethics of preemptive strikes, or rather weather it was really unethical.  I became a big supporter of just war.  The protesters taking down the fence in Quebec make me question weather we've become too soft as a society.

I used to, and maybe I still do, believe that most Muslims were good people, that it was the radicals who were to blame for the violence.  The rise of ISIS, the killing of Christians in the Middle East, and the events in Ottawa--the shooting--have me reevaluating my values.  Does Islam teach violence?  Is it ever okay to be racist?    Are we too soft?  Are our western liberal values more important than 100 000 lives?  How about one life?  At what expense do we purchase our values?  Do we stubbornly hang on to them at all costs?  Have we lost if we change them?  Have we lost if we are destroyed hanging on to them?  When do we protect ourselves by going after our enemies?  When is it okay to push back?

It's been said that the world changed after 9 11.  But, individuals changed after 9 11.  Events change me. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

WARNING: Strong Language and Content

I was reminded of something a good friend of mine, DA, said when I watched some YouTube videos recently. He said something like, "If you believe in God intellectually and not spiritually, you will loose your faith." It is fleeting if it is not well grounded; it will not last. At the time it was said, I took it as an insult and a personal attack. One of the saddest things, I think, is to watch somebody loose their faith. It is truly sad for me, and almost moves me to tears. I watched one of my own family members evolve to this understanding and never fully understand what motivates Atheists to destroy a person's faith.

Recently, I revisited some anti Atheist videos that I loved, posted by JB, only to discover he was now an atheist. It was a sad and disturbing revelation. However, he had left the original videos on apologetics up. I became intrigued with the how. How did it happen? I watched more of his videos. I watched how he rationalized his conversion to Catholicism. I watched his video on how he rejected Christianity. There seemed to be common reoccurring themes. He is a very intelligent man and a rock solid debater. Logic is important to him. The loss is ours. I would never want to go toe to toe with him; that is for sure. He seems to have rebelled and have a rebellious nature, first against his parents/upbringing in joining the Catholic Church, then against the Catholic Church. He is right in that he is very open minded. He is perhaps the epitome of great critical thinking. But, is that perhaps what is most important to him, critical thinking and debate?

As I struggle with my own faith and the Church, I have asked a lot of questions, soul searched, and still find questions and uncertainty. In the end, at this point, I have found that I believe in God because I want to believe. (Is that enough?) I have never experienced what I call the Road to Damascus Experience, although I have seen glimpses. I can see the hand of God in my life at points, but don't know why. The Church has drifted so fucking far to the left that it has all but pushed me out; I do not buy into the bullshit inclusion/tolerance that has caused both watered down Christianity and intolerance of conservatives. (Note to the reader: Do not misunderstand my intentions.) Paradoxically, I still think that the Church is a great vehicle—dare I say potential vehicle—for carrying forward the legacy I have been left, the seed, the coin I do not want to bury. So many of my people have forsaken their heritage and sought after strange gods in this pluralistic anything is good and everything is right age we live in. I still stand by my earlier statements about non Church going Christians being selfish. Now, I guess, I can identify with them. I too have also felt the pain of not having a legacy as I understand the sorrow of not having a heritage and the very real possibility of being the last generation of my people.

There's so much here, so much to unpack, and yet so much more to write. This is a long rant, and yet the tip of the ice burg, where I am, and perhaps the beginning of a journey.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Liberals want to treat everybody different.  Conservatives want to treat everybody the same.  And, we're the racists?


My prayers were answered.  But, I found myself asking, "What was the answer?"

John 15:13

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I feel like Job, like I'm about to loose everything.

Dream Church

I had a dream the other day that my parish had decided, for the sake of change, to worship Gaia....

Monday, October 20, 2014

Ignorant & Selfish

When you say, "I was born without a filter," I hear, "I'm selfish and ignorant".

No Apologies

If you relish in making the statement, "I make no apologies," maybe you shouldn't be so cavalier about giving offense to begin with.

Like Them

If when somebody exits your group you declare, "I never liked them anyway," maybe that was the problem all along.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


There's a growing trend in Western society to find excuses to invalidate fundamental freedoms.

Friday, September 19, 2014


When it comes time to remove the wolves the Shepard brought into the sheep pen, will it be possible?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Harsh Words

Liberals have been really p1$$ing me off lately.  I went on a two day rant on FB.  Tonight, amid the swirl of Holy incense from OHC came the words of Ephesians 4 about harsh words.  It's what Gospel writers might call a hard teaching for me.   May God forgive me.  It's going to be a hard road to believe what I believe and incorporate tolerance for the intolerant.  May God guide and strengthen me.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Technology Part II

Cell phones are rude.  People talk on them in public and ignore people.  People use them with friends (etc...) and it's like a cybernetic ADD implant.  "What?"

Technology Part I

Why do people put all their drama on Facebook?  It's embarrassing.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Jews Are Us

I was reading Ephesians 2:11-end today.  We are one people with the Jews now.  We are God's people.

God Wall Comment

The 38th Psalm spoke to me today about pain.  Ah, the living word....

Saturday, September 6, 2014


If priests are supposed to minister to all, should they be posting political comments on Facebook?  Should they be expressing political beliefs at all?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


It's no secret that my prayer life is in a shambles and has been for a very long time.  I have been meaning to start the Daily Office again for a while.  Today, I had decided and intended to do so.  I did not.  Why?


Well, I've done it.  I sent my resignation to the rector of St. Paul's....

Monday, September 1, 2014

Message from

Light A Candle
I have lit a candle...

Click here to see the candle


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Our Lives

The next chapter comes whether we're ready for it or not.  A new chapter has begun.  Where do I go from here?  Direction?  I was so focused on one thing.  What now is my raison d'etre?

I would like to spend more time with my mom and stepdad.  I'd like to find a day job and join the Masons and become more involved in things like my community and politics.  I'd like to find my Church home, if it has moved.  I would like to find meaningful employment; I'd like to do something that matters, help people.

Acts 4:32-45

I misread a passage of scripture on a web page of a Catholic religious order, and it had me wrestling with the words.  I was relieved to reread it and discover that this hard teaching was in fact not what I thought it said.  I was revealed, but was God trying to tell me something?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Call a Spade a Spade?

Speaking of free speech, why are we forbidden from, and censored for, speaking about Muslim violence.  While it's true that not all Muslims are bad people, Jews do not fly planes into buildings for their god.  Why can't we take steps to protect ourselves from those who wage holy war?  At what point do your liberal values become more precious than human lives?  How many must die before you pull your head out of the sand?  This pansification of society makes us all vulnerable.  The Boston bombing didn't happen because these people are excluded, as Justin Trudeau suggested.  The bombing happened because these individuals hate us and want to destroy us in their holy war.  This Islamophilia must stop; we're putting innocent people at risk because of ideals.  How many lives to purchase your ideal?  Louis XVI wouldn't have lost his kingdom if he had been competent in recognizing and dealing with events in his time.

Free Speech

When did not offending somebody become more important than our constitutional right--no, fundamental freedom--of free speech?

It's truly insidious how it sneaks in and takes away civil liberties.  By it you can assign liberal political correctness, social engineering, over regulation, big government bureaucracy, etc... to the word it.  Remember, the Reign of Terror was orchestrated under the guise of public safety, The Committee of Public Safety.  What could be better than to make us all more safe?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

201 Days

The hour is late.


It's been a long hard four years.  It has been spiritually, emotionally, and physically draining, not just in a temporary transitory trifling way.

To Be or Not to Be, A Hermit

The thought of becomming a hermit--a true hermit, forsaking the world for a life of work and prayer in solitude--is very appealing to me.  But, what would I eat?  What about my family?  Where would I go, up North to Crown land?  Could it even be done? 

To those who are offended:

Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody.  If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.


I decided a long time ago, after much thought and some prayer, to step down from my parish council.  Yesterday, while helping Cindy fill in for the custodian who is on vacation, I noticed a picture in the lower hall that said something like, "Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out."  But, what does it mean?


I visited the Salem Witch Museum when I was in Salem on Monday.  I really identified with the overlaying theme.  I am persecuted for my conservative beliefs.  I could loose my job now for my views, but the day is coming when I will be fined/charged by the state for speaking my mind.  I am labeled a bigot, racist, sexist, intolerant, ignorant, uneducated, dull minded, close minded, stupid, etc....  I am ridiculed and shunned by the left, who control education and government bureaucracy, main line religious organizations and secular charities/service clubs.  There is no place for me.


The irony is, nobody will be grateful no matter how many times you pay until they pay their own way; no matter how much you want them to be grateful, they will not understand until they experience the unpleasantness of giving a piece of themselves.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Please let this be the bottom of the valley.

Four Cyclists

There are four types of cyclists:  children; the handicap; alcoholics; communists.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Accommodate Jews

Why do we accommodate Muslims and never did for the Jews? The Jews are history's b1tche$. Everybody $h1t$ on the Jews.

St. Thomas' Day

Maybe St. Thomas gets a bad rap.Maybe he was the only one who had the ba11$ to say what everybody was thinking. They did run away....

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Should I Tithe Net or Gross?

My answer?  Imagine for a minute that God actually exists and you can give Him something in return for everything.  Do you want to give Him more or less?  That being said, I don't tithe properly.  I don't do lots of things properly.  That's why I need Jesus so much.

Human Writers With Flaws Wrote The Bible

This is a dangerous two edged sword argument.  If we start trying to interpret the Bible how ever we want, we will be left with something other than Christianity.  If I slowly replace every part on my car, soon it will be a different car.  Jesus released us from the law, according to St. Paul.  Let that be your focus for the Old Testament law.  St. Paul says that we are not bound by the law.  So, if you have a problem with an Old Testament law, Jesus has released you.  Just remember to do what you do in honour of God and give Him thanks.  Because, what was written has been written.  Do you think God is so stupid that He picked human writers who were going to mess up the writing of the Bible?  It is the word of God.

Friday, June 27, 2014


I may be labeled racist for asking this, although I find that slander is used more and more to shut down dialog, debate, free speech, and even reason; but, when will enough be enough?  When will we protect Western values?  And, I'm not even talking about conservative or Christian values.  When women are no longer allowed to vote, will we start then?  When the majority of Canadians vote to stone gays to death, will we start then?  When jihad is in our very streets, will we start thenWhy must we be tolerant of other people's cultures but censor our own?  Why must we promote diverse (others) culture in our society, but snuff out tradition?  Why is it so wrong to say, "Look guy, you can't treat women like that in Canada.  It's ilegal/degrading/immoral/unethical."?  You don't like pork?  Why does that make it okay to kill somebody eating a sandwich in a deli?  Not a fan of war in the Middle East?  How does that make it okay to kill a soldier on the streets of London?  A writer coined the term Islamophilia recently.  Is it a self destructive type of mass hysteria?  It's like a massive inferiority complex.  What's so wrong with our history/tradition?

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Really, to me, it's no different than driving my car over a two year old.  What makes it illegal, the passage through the magical vagina.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Primitive ignorant people once believed that thunder was the act of angry gods caused by human actions.  It is much the same today with the new religion of science...especially the denomination of climate change.  As a matter of fact, the old religions in the West have had to incorporate the new in their efforts to remain relevant, moving the statue of Zeus into the Hebrew Temple.  Abomination of Desolation?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Light & Dark

On Sunday, at the induction service for our new rector, a piece of scripture jumped out.  The 11th verse of the 139th Psalm.  God sees no difference between light and dark.  Could that be why Jesus was hanging out with outcasts, proclaiming that doctors are for the sick?


I live in a world where only a white person can be racist.  The mere existence of the term reverse racism is proof of that.

Sac Fly

On Good Friday, I heard the most sacrilegious, and yet most accurate, statement as somebody proclaimed, "Oh yeah, today's the day Jesus hit the sac fly."

Dead Head

I wanted to serve and I wanted to make a difference.  I chose to dead head to grow/divide the bulbs and never bloomed.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 1-15, 2013

March 15
William Ramier commented on a photo.
Tell me about it Joni Mitchell:
That's true; but, did you know that we're trending in the right direction? We slipped out of tenth because others improved more.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Student radicals at the University of Waterloo stormed a stage to disrupt and silence a Canadian MP who was invited to speak to a group of students. 


‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ if you agree that free speech must always, under all circumstances, be protected on Canadian university campuses.
If he was "invited" to speak. They should have let him speak. Are they that afraid to hear what he has to say?

William Ramier commented on a link.
We didn't; I'm asleep and none of this is real. Tomorrow, I will wake up and the world will make sense.

William Ramier commented on a link.
No, we can't trust them. They have too much power. It's the only instance or organization that I can think of in society where you are they hold you guilty until proven innocent.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Optimus Prime

William Ramier commented on a link.
Because, that'll keep them from moving to Mexico.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Here too?

William Ramier commented on a link.
I hope I was one.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Pro-life MP Stephen Woodworth had to cut short a lecture at the University of Waterloo Wednesday night when a group of pro-choice protesters, including one man dressed in a vulva costume, began shouting: 

Whatever stance you take on abortion, are you becoming worried that universities are becoming hostile to free speech and critical thinking?
Do pro life advocates do this at pro choice speeches?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Pro-life MP Stephen Woodworth had to cut short a lecture at the University of Waterloo Wednesday night when a group of pro-choice protesters, including one man dressed in a vulva costume, began shouting: 

Whatever stance you take on abortion, are you becoming worried that universities are becoming hostile to free speech and critical thinking?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Pro-life MP Stephen Woodworth had to cut short a lecture at the University of Waterloo Wednesday night when a group of pro-choice protesters, including one man dressed in a vulva costume, began shouting: 

Whatever stance you take on abortion, are you becoming worried that universities are becoming hostile to free speech and critical thinking?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Like the king's taster?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
He did, although it was actually said in French I believe.

March 14
William Ramier commented on his own link.

William Ramier commented on a status.
ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a link.
Doesn't Christs call us to love sinners (each other) and pray for our enemies? Excommunication allows no repentance.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
SHOCK: Toronto school board sics police on sarcastic blogger 


Free speech?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Mulcair heads to Washington
Yes please.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

March 13
William Ramier commented on his own link.
If only....

William Ramier commented on a link.
Yasir Naqvi’s rookie blunder

William Ramier commented on a status.
The golf trips are still on though, right?

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Is this a real cover! Or, did somebody photoshop it?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Should NDP leader Thomas Mulcair hold back his attacks on the Canadian government while in the United States?

Yes, and he shouldn't even be in the US. He's not the PM.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It's political, go figure. In 2005, they didn't have a majority. The budget had to be okay-ed by the opposition before a vote. With full control over the budget, they both want to inform the people that the services are available, and that the government is doing something to help. The opposition wouldn't have wanted this in 2005 because they would want the people to think the government was doing nothing to help then and then vote liberal.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Reduce MPs wages to match the average Canadian, then privatize everything I can.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Bad, we all loose out sovereignty.

March 12
William Ramier commented on a photo.
Check out Castiel's many clothing options! Which one did he wear best?

William Ramier commented on a link.
It looks like the emperor's crapper.

William Ramier commented on a status.
The end of the ice age came before the burning of fossil fuels.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I have actually. Someone once asked me what the difference was. I said that climate change is what they call global warming now that they know they're wrong. :) But seriously, how do we know it's not natural?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
A new Islamic book tells men to hit their wives to control them. 

...And an Ontario Liberal cabinet minister's letter of support appears in it! 


You know that was sarcasm, right?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Separation of TV and state
Did you hear about the raid on the Conservative office when the media was there before the police raid? Did you hear about the raid on the NDP office not long after? No? That's because the left protects its own. Google it.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
A new Islamic book tells men to hit their wives to control them. 

...And an Ontario Liberal cabinet minister's letter of support appears in it! 


That's friggen awesome.

March 11
William Ramier commented on a link.
Preston wants both sides to come together. He also wants conservative politicians in office. If the people see them as extremists, they won't last long in office. Education is the answer. Manning is right (no pun there).

William Ramier commented on a status.
I hope for you that he never changes (being mad at missing Church, not being mad at you). :)

William Ramier commented on a link.
Separation of TV and state
CBC is anti-conservative. They don't maintain the neutrality that a state agency should.

William Ramier commented on a link.
The pigs just drink all the milk anyway.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Chief negotiator

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
He's a plant people; this is a publicity stunt.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
100's of millions of taxpayer dollars gone to propaganda ads like the Action Plan. Even worse, Harper increased spending by 18% the minute he took office and burned through the $13 Billlion Liberal surplus like a kid in a candy store before the recession even hit in the fall of 2008. He also lowered the Corporate tax rate to an irresponsible 15% costing billions in lost revenue with zero jobs to show for it (these corps have been proven to be hoarding record cash reserves and not reinvesting into our economy AT ALL).  Worst. Job. On. The. Economy. Ever!!!
Harper has had a majority for only one year. Let us see what he can do.

William Ramier commented on a status.
What if it's an e-reader?

William Ramier commented on a link.
ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
I know we're not all Christians on this page, but this is how I feel. 
Not to mention that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. 
You can try to torture me, but I will fight back. 

<<Captain Magnus>>

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I cried I laughed so hard.

William Ramier commented on a status.
What do they call members of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation?

William Ramier commented on a status.
...a real one.

William Ramier commented on a status.
The next Republican President should call an inquiry.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
From the moment I saw the E4 I knew we were done like dinner in my gut.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I won't take that bet.

William Ramier commented on a link.
CBC pokes fun at Christians

William Ramier commented on his own link.
What English politician said that submarines were a damned un-English weapon, and that submariners should be hung as pirates?

William Ramier commented on a link.
I think a private CO-OP would be a much better idea.

March 10
William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
Thanks; I did start them in peat pots.

William Ramier commented on his own link.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
I'm thinking I'll bring the pots in at night until about mid April. Anybody have any advice?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
North Korea has elected to receive!  And we will Kick off!
Somebody needs to do something (and I'd like it to be China). If this was Iraq or Iran, Israel would already have taken it out with a preemptive strike.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
The Conservative Newsfeed's photo.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
Too early?

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
Here's the greenhouse Beryl Green gave me. Thanks. :)

William Ramier commented on a link.
If people were willing to walk to work etc..., then gas wouldn't be a "necessity" and they would have to sell it cheaper. They know we have to buy it.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Say what you will to defend oil companies (and I know you won't), but it's just wrong when they artificially stifle production to drive the prise up.

William Ramier commented on a link.
That crap never works. I really really really wish it did, but it doesn't. EVERYBODY needs to be on board for it to have the smallest effect, and some people just won't.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Gotten out of hand? This law was needed 20 years ago.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Tea Party Stand Up's photo.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I like it.

William Ramier commented on a status.

They need a parent or a lawyer present.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
What's for dinner tonight? We're thinking Rickard's Dark Maple Pork Ribs. Yes?


William Ramier commented on a link.
Well Said

William Ramier commented on a link.
Roughly 300 000 km/s?

William Ramier commented on a status.
I just miss the water.

William Ramier commented on a link.
So if I see a bright red lobster, it could be a possum lobster, pretending to be cooked and ready to strike?

William Ramier commented on his own link.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
This is what I want my fence to look like.

March 9
William Ramier commented on a photo.
You won't believe what some European members of parliament are trying to ban now:
Good luck with that....

William Ramier commented on a link.
He's riding the name. Do people even know what he stands for? Is he experienced enough for the job? Does the Liberal Party of Canada even care? What are his policies? Maybe if he uses the name enough everybody will vote for him. " What do you think about the XL Pipeline?" "My name is Justin Trudeau...Trudeau...Trudeau...."

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Mercy me! Italy takes care of business in 8 innings, defeating Canada in World Baseball Classic with mercy rule, 14-4.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It's not always easy to think on your feet.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ if you think it’s time to grant unionized workers freedom from the radical political agendas of their union bosses. 

Unions should not be able to support political parties or fund them any more that corporations.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Canada's Supreme Court virtually killed free speech when it said people have the right to not be offended. Time for Harper to change some laws to override this travesty.~B~
Sadly, I don't think this law CAN be changed. It's the constitution, which is harder to change than getting liberals to stop spending. And, now that a judge has set a precedent, made an interpretation, that's that. It's a devastating blow for free speech, regardless of what you think about the guy or the issue. What the PM needs to do is appoint more conservative judges.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
So.....are we essentially fighting the same fight just coming from different directions? Eager to hear your thoughts and opinions on this one. ~C
Corporations provide jobs. Who doesn't work for a company? We need a free market without excessive government regulations OR bailouts. We need a laissez faire government. Less government is better.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Wonderful world of debt
Isn't in a conservative government?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Not sure who made this but... yup.
Maybe they weren't cut because they were women's programs. Maybe they were cut because they were social programs. The first Canadian Prime minister who was a woman was from what party again?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Threats from North Korea
No, I think China needs to take care of it. That's the way it worked in the cold war with the USSR. North Korea is the little brother so to speak. China needs to tell them to sit down and shut up before there's a WWIII.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Why? Why go back to the pre911 security standard?

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Maybe Rand Paul and Ted Cruz can form a third party, the Awake Party.
You know, if they form another party on the right, the Dems will get in every time; they'll split the vote.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I thought lobsters' shells were only red after you cook them; aren't they green when they're alive?

William Ramier commented on a status.
Good Point

William Ramier commented on a status.
Children no longer learn how to deal with failure in the real world.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Hockey or baseball?

William Ramier commented on his own status.
I really liked Simple Fish & Chips on Downie St. and was disappointed to see it close. It was the best fish I've ever eaten. I never did find out where they got the special needs fish though.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
I don't eat fish often; but when I do, I enjoy it.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
:) Thanks

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Father-son affection.  <3

William Ramier commented on a status.
Watch Ben Stein's Expelled.

William Ramier commented on a status.
It's getting to the point where you can't worship in public. It really surprises me when we pray on November 11th every year in public as a community. And, every year I wait for it to be the last year.

William Ramier commented on a status.
As for the war, what about the Christmas Tree removed from the Toronto Courthouse? What about the justice of the peace who was punished for his religious views for not performing a wedding ceremony?

William Ramier commented on a status.
Anglican, and other Christian Churches too, are dieing out. Most people don't go to Church. It doesn't matter what the census says we are.

William Ramier commented on a status.
6.9% of Canadians identified themselves as Anglican (2001 census). That means that in the city of Stratford, with 30 000 people, there should be roughly 2070 Anglicans in Stratford. Divided by the three Anglican Churches in Stratford, there should be 690 people in Church on Sunday mornings. We get less than 10% of that. I suspect it's the same in other Churches too. This is having an effect o...See More

William Ramier commented on a status.
"Christian" conutry? How many "Christians" go to Church? How many practice their faith? What's the percentage? How many call themselves Christians? What's the percentage?

Have you ever seen Ben Stein's Expelled? Google the trailer.

William Ramier commented on a status.
That's just wrong. It's so wrong.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
No, it's in Stratford. Do you have a lot of snow?

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
William Ramier's photo.
I planted one of Robert Wittig's daffodils by the driveway in a little space between it and the front porch. Cindy Martin-Ruxton Ramier said that it would never grow. Here it grows!

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
What about the black boarder around the meme?

William Ramier commented on his own status.

March 7
William Ramier commented on his own link.
I want one bad.

William Ramier commented on his own link.
That is so bad.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Isn't there one?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I have tickets to sell peoples. Come and get 'em!

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
Day at the beach, about '86.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on his own photo.
Jays Game
Summer 2010

William Ramier commented on a status.
My mistake

William Ramier commented on a status.
I thought women only were to send in pics.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I love it.

William Ramier commented on his own link.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I thought it was only for hot women?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Coming up LIVE on MLB Network: Venezuela and the Dominican Republic face off in Puerto Rico for the first game of Pool C. 

Tune in to see Major Leaguers Miguel Cabrera, Carlos Gonzalez, Pablo Sandoval, Miguel Montero, Robinson Cano, Hanley Ramirez and more!
It's closer than I thought it would be when it was still in the 2nd.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Chicago Cubs's photo.
I love when he broke the bat over his knee.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
This video is PROOF that God's miracles DO exist!!! 

See how a man walks away from a head-on collision - wow!
That's one lucky dude.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Brett Lawrie has been knocked out of the World Baseball Classic with a rib injury.

Here's what the Blue Jays third baseman and Alex Anthopoulos had to say about it:

William Ramier commented on a photo.
It's deficit day in Alberta, or as it used to be known, surplus day. 

As the Redford government tables its latest budget today, how would you rate its performance? A? B? C? D? or F?

William Ramier commented on a link.
That's not right. Violence is not justified.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
CONTENT WARNING: Sarnia man gets jail for recording stepdaughter in the shower 

Does Canada need tougher penalties for those that prey on the vulnerable?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Why can't we bring the GO Train to Stratford?

William Ramier commented on a link.
ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
United States to Cut Aid to Israel by $150M

William Ramier commented on a photo.
CLICK LIKE if you Stand With Rand!

William Ramier commented on a status.
You know that I was kidding, right?

March 6
William Ramier commented on a photo.
Subject: Fwd: All in One Place

I can’t believe this. When do we have the charges of treason brought forward?
No one can convince me that Obama and his advisors are that stupid and have such poor memories.
But breaching protocol seems to be Obama’s favorite activity.
This is Not a good sign ...
What is wrong with this picture?

The picture is of the five nuclear carriers... Similar to Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.
This picture was taken the other day in Norfolk. The Obama Administration ordered 5 nuclear 
carriers into harbor for "routine" (?) inspections. Heads of the Navy were flabbergasted by the 

NORFOLK, VA. (February 8, 2013). The first time since WWII that five U.S. aircraft carriers 
were docked together in the same harbor. 

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), USS Enterprise 
(CVN 65), USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) are all in 
port at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., the world’s largest naval station. 

Sources stated that this breached a long standing military protocol in the Navy
meant to avoid massive enemy strike on major US forces.
 (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan J. Courtade/Released)
Not Smart

William Ramier commented on a link.
Yeah, but the liberals are creating the poor.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Socialism doesn't work. It didn't work for the USSR, and it didn't work for Detroit.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
When something is this beautiful, it’s hard not to stare. Do you agree?
Mr. Walker, you make some good stuff.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
About sums it up don't you think?  ~C
It's funny and sad at the same time.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
♠Rossi Baby♠
You mean he didn't bomb Belgrade?

William Ramier commented on a link.
People are so stupid.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a status.
But...what if they offer me a free membership?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
"Norway, which this year alone will enjoy a $44 billion budget surplus. The country has the 22nd largest proven oil reserves in the world and about 40-percent less oil is produced by that country, compared to Canada. 
On top of massive government budget surpluses, Norway also has no foreign debt, and $634 billion set aside as a public savings fund. This fund, called the Government Sovereign Wealth fund - set up to collect oil and gas revenues - is projected to be worth $1 trillion by 2020 and currently holds more than 1-percent of all the world's equity. 
To put it simply, Norway is rolling in the dough and their number one sector is oil and gas exploration, production and export.
There are many differences between Norway and Canada that can explain why Norway is so rich and Canada so relatively poor, but there is one huge difference that stands out amongst the rest: oil royalties. Royalties are the amount a government charges oil companies for being allowed to extract and sell the country's oil."
Read the full article here:
Alberta doesn't have sales tax. Americans won't build the XL pipeline. Ottawa spends more than it takes in in revenue.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Awesome. That's good news.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Where can you get one?

William Ramier commented on a status.
Well duh; they have to show us that they're right.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Attorney General Eric Holder released a letter today that states that President Obama has the legal authority to use drone strikes and other deadly force against American citizens on American soil WITHOUT a TRIAL! This is beyond outrageous, it is downright madness!

SIGN our petition to prosecute Eric Holder!

This new state-of-the-art Tea Party petition system is free for you to use anytime. Those that can afford to donate to the tea party movement to help cover its large costs, it is greatly appreciated. The new petition system costs a great deal to operate because it assures your email gets through SPAM and directly to your Congressmen for them to read. We are now going to have constant petitions for you week after week for you to have your voice heard by your representatives. You all have sent them over 5 million individual petitions already and they are hearing YOU loud and clear. 

It is working! Help us make this new great system succeed. Thank you.
What happened to the rule of law, habeas corpus, innocence until guilt is proven, public trials, and a jury of your peers?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Biased Idle No More propaganda is being taught in Canadian schools. 

All the one-sided details here: 

‘SHARE’ if you agree that left-wing propaganda shouldn’t be pushed on grade six students in public schools.
And that surprises you? Liberals teach the kids.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It's good that you can still talk to your liberal friend; all I seem to get is hate mail and FB contacts defriending me.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
It's late, but I just had to show you this. The best answer to the rape argument in regards to abortion that I've ever seen. 

<<Captain Magnus>>

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Canadian Taxpayers Federation's photo.

William Ramier commented on a status.
We all have to tighten our belts.

William Ramier commented on a status.
It's a great step forward that you know it's wrong. And, you're right, it is only human. So, don't beat yourself up. That's me two cents worth.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I've always believed that democracy and voting was important. I looked at and compared the ideologies. And, they keep giving me more reasons not to vote liberal.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Ha ha ha! I love it!

William Ramier commented on a link.
They sure do.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
The Conservatarian Canadian's photo.

William Ramier commented on a link.
She couldn't have really said that.

William Ramier commented on a link.
CBC pokes fun at Christians
But we have all of our freedoms in public too. Being tolerant doesn't mean intolerant; if somebody decides to display their faith in public, we should also be permitted to do the same, not condemn them as our act of being tolerated.

March 5
William Ramier commented on a link.
I do.

William Ramier commented on a link.
CBC pokes fun at Christians
It's all relative. What is ridiculous to one is serious and important to another. Are we not supposed to be tolerant of others and their beliefs?

March 4
William Ramier commented on his own status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
CBC pokes fun at Christians
Every person has things that they hold up as important. Nobody likes to be mocked. Are we not supposed to be tolerant? Are we not supposed to be accepting of others' beliefs? Are we not supposed to be sensitive? Does this include everybody but Christians?

William Ramier commented on a link.
CBC pokes fun at Christians
@ Travis: But they are. They don't call the Liberals Nazis or cover the tipped off raiding of the Liberal Party HQ for breaking the law. They are without a doubt left of centre.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I thought it was awful when they removed that Christmas Tree from the court building in Toronto a few years ago, awful.

William Ramier commented on a link.
It does surprise me that it happened in Texas though....

William Ramier commented on a link.
As a conservative Christian who wants the war on Christmas to stop, I respectfully disagree with your statement that holidays to promote religion should not be allowed. Why shouldn't we have a Christian day?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Detroit is a city that is a mere shell of what it once was. Decades of Democrat rule have caused it to spiral into ruin. Learn more about what caused it to fall from a city of great success to one in tatters.
...just like the USSR....

William Ramier commented on a status.
I wonder why?

William Ramier commented on his own link.
Sorry about the language folks; once again I neglected to look at name of the poster. Sorry. :/

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I want the dogs to clean up the deck.

William Ramier commented on a link.
There is no privacy anymore. We live in fishbowls.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Why socialism does not work.
No, because the pigs will just drink all the milk!

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Like and Share with your friends your three words.

Like Punnky for more!
Beautiful, strong, proud? ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Like and Share with your friends your three words.

Like Punnky for more!
I don't think so tim.

William Ramier commented on a link.
He's a friggen hero!

William Ramier commented on a link.
He's a dink; however, he should be free to speak/think/express.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
A very small man indeed. 
.....poor mooch ;)

William Ramier commented on a link.
They're not though; they're hypocrites. They only preach tolerance when it's liberal ideas being suppressed. They use political correctness and guilt to sensor other ideas. They preach difference is a good thing, only when it's different from conservative.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Tea Party Stand Up's photo.
ha ha ha

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Tell us if you watched it, and if you liked it?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Tea Party Stand Up's photo.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
SHOCK: Drunken Quebec teen eaten by stray dogs


William Ramier commented on a photo.
Don't know if this is true or not.  Wouldn't surprise me.
If it is it's scary.

William Ramier commented on a link.
CBC pokes fun at Christians
I'd like to see the backlash if they tried that with Islam.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on his own status.

March 3
William Ramier commented on a link.
I can't eat dirt?

William Ramier commented on a link.
I meant corn on the cob. There's not much I can do about corn in everything else, unless I want to spend my pay cheque at the gentle rain or something. That stuff is expensive.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Yes, yes we are.

William Ramier commented on a link.
...and, I'm going to grow some of my own vegetables this summer, just a few.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Actually, I try not to eat corn if I can help it.

William Ramier commented on a link.
That sure is a long way to say yes. :p

William Ramier commented on his own status. soon as the snow is gone.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Thanks a lot Paul. Thanks.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Normalizing Pedophilia

William Ramier commented on a link.
Did you hear about the corn that is genetically engineered to produce its own pesticide?

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
I'm happy to see that it is only a "stomach ailment".

William Ramier commented on his own link.
I don't follow. You're saying they should have stopped the meeting?

William Ramier commented on a photo.
From a fan. The abdominal snowman.

William Ramier commented on his own status.
I'm looking forward to running the river again.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
What do you think would be the outcome of this statement had she said "Mohammed " instead of "Jesus"?
Maybe an embassy attack; and, she'd be fired.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Get used to it; nobody cares anymore. :(

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Which Original Series episode could have made a great movie?
How abour Spoc returning to Vulcan and "killing" Jim.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Yes, and where's the limit? Who gets to decide what hate is? Is a differing political opinion hate? Is this to become the hammer of the left? Should I just burn my books now, before the firemen come?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Yes. :/

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Chinese Taipei, Japan both 2-0 in World Baseball Classic. Who has better shot of winning it all?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Nobody respects freedom of speech anymore. Totalitarian minded politicians have achieved censorship through the guise of tolerance toward others. It has become more acceptable not to offend than to protect freedom of speech.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Part of the curriculum?
Because, conservative people have been tricked into beleiving they're bigots and are afraid to voice their opinions anymore.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Enough hot air on gas plants
Why would the Premier need to set up a committee--of MMPs I assume--to ask her ministers for information?

March 2
William Ramier commented on a photo.
"The white house threatened me"............Bob Woodward

Washington Post co-editor and the person who broke the Watergate story said a "a very senior official in the Obama administration sent him an email" saying Woodward would "regret" speaking out that Obama was the creator of the sequestration cuts and shouldn't be complaining about it now and blaming republicans for it.

Click LIKE if it is once and for all, time for Congress to appoint a special counsel to investigate the white house and their constant threats and unconstitutional actions on people that disagree with them

William Ramier commented on a link.
I love this video.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Happy belated! Sorry.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
According to the Sherbrooke declaration -2006- and to the recent event
Well, I know the Liberals can't say that. PET Jr. said he'd support Quebec sovereignty.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Love the turkeys comment

William Ramier commented on a photo.
The Obama Administration has been threatening and intimidating journalists who criticize the president. Do these thug tactics seem like something the president should be doing? Take our survey and let us know what you think:

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I was 9 and put up campaign posters for the PC.

William Ramier commented on a status.
Terrorists. There were no bombs in the buildings. We all watched the planes fly into the buildings. The explosions inside the buildings were jet fuel.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
I saw this story on Yahoo news. The funny thing is that the news story had an adult content warning under the headline.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
Dilapidated. Abandoned. A mere shell of the great, thriving city that it once was. Detroit is on the verge of bankruptcy. Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already. Is your city next? Check out this article on the sad story of Motown.....the music is fading.

William Ramier commented on a photo.
This is why my dad is an admin on this page. So he can handle anything that I don't have as much knowledge on. 

This is the post about the 1984 Canadian and American elections. 
Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minister of Canada at the time. 
Here my dad is answering a question someone had about Mulroney.

<<Captain Magnus>>
I liked Brian, but I don't think you can lay the loss of the election at Kim's feet.

William Ramier commented on a link.
"Taming the Monster"
It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it will be passed.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Preston Manning

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Why isn't this national news?

William Ramier commented on a link.
Hopefully that's the end of his career.

William Ramier commented on a status.

William Ramier commented on a link.

William Ramier commented on a status.
You forgot to take their guns away didn't you? Some liberal you'd make.

William Ramier commented on a status.
I love Tropico.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Doesn't PETA (or another organization) hand out stickers to slap on people who are wearing fur (assault BTW)?

William Ramier commented on his own status.

William Ramier commented on a link.
Well, I'd guess that was written by an atheist. But, demonizing your opponent is quite popular.