Monday, December 1, 2014

A Good Day at St. Martin-in-the-Fields

As promised, here's the nuts and bolts of Saturday, albeit a day late.  I spent the day at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Toronto at a quiet day retreat.  It was a joint venture between the brothers from Holy Cross Priory, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and St. John.  It was led by Sr. Anne from SSJD in Toronto.  We used the words, and music, of Handel's Messiah.  We had three meditations of about 30 minutes each, proceeded with a talk by Sr. Anne.  It really made me think, which was the point I guess.  Chandra went with me.  I thought the quiet day would do both of us a world of good.

The first meditation was on the text from Isaiah 40:1-2 & 3.  We were asked what comforts us.  What comforts me is prayer, sleep, quiet, a good whiskey, a cruise vacation, good food, and gardening.  We were asked to reflect also on how we sense God's invitation to rest.  That's the problem; I don't.  I have a real problem sensing God's invitation.  We were asked what impression the music gave us, in all the meditations.  It didn't really; but then, I'm not musically gifted.  Where is my desert place, I was asked to ponder.  I guess work, stress, family often, money, and the Church are my desert place.  How will you begin to prepare the way for the Lord, we were challenged.  I had never looked at this scripture this way before.  I had always assumed God would do the preparing.  I found upon reflection that I am doing a p1$$ poor job of preparing the way.  We were asked then about what we would do to prepare a straight highway in the desert for God.  This, also, was a new concept to me.  Preparing a way for God in our desert was a new concept, at least in interpreting this scripture.  Let God into my desert by making a highway through it for Him, interesting.  How do I let Him in to my desert?  What do I have to do to make a highway in the desert?

The next two meditations turned outward, instructing us to reflect on how our parishes could basically do the same thing.  I had problems with this part.  Mostly, it was because I had trouble answering the questions because I can't see a way forward for St. Paul's due to my own conflict with the parish.  How does St. Paul's make a highway for God?  I have no friggen idea.  How will my parish bla bla?  I don't know how, because what's happening right now isn't working for me.  Who in the parish is good at highway building, lowering mountains, raising valleys, etc...?  I can think of people; but, they're not the ones running the show--except for Fr. Daniel. 

Overall, it was an enlightening day.  I did do a lot of reflection and self examination.  I found both that it was not long enough to give me a long lasting benefit, one day, and too long (I was ready to leave by the end--maybe due to the reflection about the parish).  That's not to say I didn't enjoy it; I really got a lot out of the self reflection and quiet.

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