Friday, August 29, 2014

Call a Spade a Spade?

Speaking of free speech, why are we forbidden from, and censored for, speaking about Muslim violence.  While it's true that not all Muslims are bad people, Jews do not fly planes into buildings for their god.  Why can't we take steps to protect ourselves from those who wage holy war?  At what point do your liberal values become more precious than human lives?  How many must die before you pull your head out of the sand?  This pansification of society makes us all vulnerable.  The Boston bombing didn't happen because these people are excluded, as Justin Trudeau suggested.  The bombing happened because these individuals hate us and want to destroy us in their holy war.  This Islamophilia must stop; we're putting innocent people at risk because of ideals.  How many lives to purchase your ideal?  Louis XVI wouldn't have lost his kingdom if he had been competent in recognizing and dealing with events in his time.

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