Saturday, November 29, 2014

I Wrote a Song

Generals gather from all classes
Just to save your sorry asses
Labeled evil by the leftists
Fighting for your rights AND leftists'
Bringing justice to oppression
Fight the despot's mad aggression

Leftists think they're the enlightened kind
They indoctrinate the scholastic mind
Preaching tolerance for the land
Condemn what they just don't understand

Watching innocents be slaughtered
They just can't be bothered
Just like Nevelle helped out Hitler
Peaceniks just f—radio edit—ing sit there
Oh Lord yeah (except if it offends Atheists, Muslims, or anti Christians)


Politicians forced to make the call
No one else will take the fall
Trying to protect us all
Not soon to be for-given if at all
Leftists think there's noting worth fighting for
Why do they always invoke the poor

Hand of God has struck the hour
Pacifists begin to cower
Begging mercies for inaction
Satan shows his satisfaction
Ah Lord yeah (except as above)


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