Friday, June 27, 2014


I may be labeled racist for asking this, although I find that slander is used more and more to shut down dialog, debate, free speech, and even reason; but, when will enough be enough?  When will we protect Western values?  And, I'm not even talking about conservative or Christian values.  When women are no longer allowed to vote, will we start then?  When the majority of Canadians vote to stone gays to death, will we start then?  When jihad is in our very streets, will we start thenWhy must we be tolerant of other people's cultures but censor our own?  Why must we promote diverse (others) culture in our society, but snuff out tradition?  Why is it so wrong to say, "Look guy, you can't treat women like that in Canada.  It's ilegal/degrading/immoral/unethical."?  You don't like pork?  Why does that make it okay to kill somebody eating a sandwich in a deli?  Not a fan of war in the Middle East?  How does that make it okay to kill a soldier on the streets of London?  A writer coined the term Islamophilia recently.  Is it a self destructive type of mass hysteria?  It's like a massive inferiority complex.  What's so wrong with our history/tradition?

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