Friday, August 23, 2024

Super Effing Wierd

One day last week, when the NDD was attacking particularly hard because of work and the destructive habits of family members, I went to St. James park to pray the Office.  I was sitting on a park bench, candle lit, singing the appointed psalms for the day, when a young couple walked in to the park.  They walked closer, and closer, until they were standing by the bench.  I didn't want to interrupt the Office, so I continued.  I looked up, made eye contact with the dude, gave a head nod, and continued without missing a note.  It was super effing awkward.  And, I didn't want to stop either, partly because of the denying of Christ fear too.  So, they continued on, on their stroll.  

I mentioned the experience to a work colleague, who said that they may have been religious themselves, or maybe they though I was a monk or something.  🤣 Maybe they were checking it out and were just curious.

I thought after that I should have stopped.  Maybe they wanted to ask me questions.  🤷‍♂️  Maybe I missed an opportunity to witness.

Also, the thought has crossed my mind that this park is not so quiet and secluded/private as I thought it was.  There was actually a lot of traffic through the park while I was there.

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