Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sex Possession Rooster Hope

So, last night, I drempt a lot, slept like crap, and yeah, it was a restless night.  I drempt about two of the most common things that I dream about, sex and possession (not at the same time).  

In the sex dream, I couldn't even have sex!  I couldn't be unfaithful!  Even in my dreams...

My possession dream? I was performing rudimentary exorcisms.  But, I was afraid.  And, I shouldn't have been.  The name of Jesus never failed me.  ...and I was afraid anyway.  Such a coward.  The evil spirits always fled and He never failed me.

Reading from the Gospel according to St. John tonight, I read of Peter's denial.  Powerful.  Even a doubting coward like myself is given hope by St. Peter's example of the flaws of being human.

See the power of this moment as Christ turns His face to look upon St. Peter.

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