Friday, August 16, 2024

Deja You

I just watched a video--or did I--what explained that time is an illusion, constructed by the human mind.  After observation of the universe--not expanding as it should, not per the Big Bang Theory--through the new long range telescope, the theory was formed that everything happens all at once; that, the past, present, and future, they happen at the same time.  That, the human mind sees it as liner because that's how our memories function.  We can only remember past events.

This is how I always thought about Hell.  It answers the question about what happens to the people who died and went to Hell before Jesus died on the cross.  I proposed that if Hell were eternal, everyone is already there who is going to be there, and was there for the Harrowing of Hell.  My own theory, pay no attention to it.

Also, it explains how God can know all things, be everywhere, be everywhen.  Not to put God in a box, I'm not suggesting God is limited by this or that God is figured out.  I believe that God built it all.

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