Thursday, August 22, 2024

Paging Dr. Jung...paging Dr. Carl Jung....

I was in a Church last night--in a dream--sitting up near the front.  I was playing with a white balloon.  It had been tied off, and I also blew up the stem and pinched it off.  We all bowed our heads to pray.  I'm not sure if I nodded off very briefly.  I thought the silent meditation was taking far too long.  I looked around, and everyone was asleep, including the clergy.  I was trying to let the air out of the stem without waking anybody, without making it shriek.  It made a tiny little bit of noise, not much.  I was good.  I pushed the balloon under my pew to hide it.  I looked around, and one young man was starting to wake up.  People were starting to stir.  Then my real life alarm clock sounded and it was time to get up for work.

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