Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wrong Plane

Some people just don't understand the difference between right and wrong, like when the PM took a private plane to a lobbyist's private island; what is wrong about getting on to a plane?  Planes aren't bad.  He claimed that he didn't see anything wrong with taking the trip.  This is why we need to have objective ethical standards; because, there are people out there who can't tell what is wrong.  He can't see the conflict of interest.  There is a reason that a member of parliament can't accept gifts.  There is a reason it's not ethical.  Even if there is no expectation to reciprocate, even if their judgement is not affected, there must be no appearance of it being possible and no question of it being able to happen.  Caesar's wife must not simply be above reproach.  Caesar's wife must appear to be above reproach.

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