Monday, January 30, 2017

Mosque Shooting

I condemn the mosque shooting.  This act of terrible violence against peaceful worshipers is deplorable.  This serves no purpose, and this misguided attack against the people of a faith--because of their faith--is evil and will not solve any problems, real or perceived.  It is a coward's act to shoot unarmed peaceful people, at prayer or otherwise.  It is especially wicked to me that they were killed in a holy place simply because they were in a holy place.  Pray for peace.  Pray for the families of the victims.  Pray for love and an end to hate.  Pray for peace here.  Pray for understanding and tolerance.  Pray for those who feel the attack was deserved; because, until they change their minds, the threat to peace is always there.  I want to say more, but words fail me.

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