Sunday, January 15, 2017

The End?

Now that Cindy has received a taste of what I experienced at Church, I think we are ready to finally leave St. Paul's.  I never understood why God brought me there in the first place; to be fair, I loved the structure and liturgy at first.  But, that was then.  What is my role now?  Am I supposed to play Cindy's role, keeping me at St. Paul's when I was like a bathed cat trying to get out of the tub?  Because, I would have been gee oh an eea.  Am I supposed to lead us away from the parish at long last?  To St. Stephen's, or St. Barnabas, Jubilee, where do we go?  Although, St. Stephen's might just be more of the same.  I've had a stomach full of the ACC.  FATHER guide me and give me direction;  let Your will be done.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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