Sunday, January 22, 2017

Now I'm dreaming!

I had some really wild dreams last night and I also slept like crap.  I had a very sore back, probably from starting the Zen 200 Pushup Challenge.   So, my dreams were these:  In the first dream, a friend and I were working downtown and I wanted to show them St. Paul's.   I opened a door to a room and our last Rector was having a women only meeting; in the second dream, there was a zombie apocalypse.   We left the house.  I took all the rifles and tried to put all the ammo in my front left pocket.  I found a house for us to spend the night barricaded inside.  In the morning a group of loud drunk idiots showed up, attracting zombies and we were on the run again.  I only fired one cartridge in the whole dream, killing a zombie with the .30-30; the third and final dream I can't remember now.

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