Monday, November 28, 2016


Sunday at Church, my favorite Advent hymn was sung, O Come Emanuel. I really enjoy this hymn, spiritually, musically, emotionally.

Ban Knives!

Ban Sport Cars!

You know how when somebody says, "Guns have to be made illegal," and I just respond, "Nobody needs a sports car." And, they reply, "Huh?" And, I say, "Did you know that about 30 000 Americans are killed each year on the highways?" They retort, "Most of those accidents aren't even sports cars!" In silence, I just grin a grinchy grin ear to ear. P.S. This post was written before, but posted after, the Ohio State stabbings.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


If everything is finite,  does that include the universe?

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Saturday, November 26, 2016


I used to look at the clock at work and think, "That's how much longer I'm here for!"  Now I think, "How am I going to get all this stuff done by then."

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

You're a hypocrite!

Sometimes a man's religious views is not who he is, but who he wants to be, and pointing out how far away he is from those goals is the best way to push him away from them.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Gratefulness | Light a Candle

Click this link to see a candle burning on

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FATHER, I am a bad man and don't deserve to ask. Bishop Terry is a good man who has preached the Gospel. His daughter is dying and you can heal her. My faith is too weak to make her well. I only have the faith to ask. Bring glory to Your name. People ask for healing through faith or desperation. I ask through faith...weak faith...strong enough only to ask, not to make her well again. Make her well again and by so doing bring glory to your Holy name again. I beg you, do not let this good man loose his daughter. I beseech you in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ whom I fail to imitate. Amen. If you're reading this, please pray--and then pray again--for Erin.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Two Strange Dreams

First night, I dreamt that I entered the Hog Jog; but, I started after the last person crossed the finish line.  Second drean, I dreamt that I got a double lung transplant.  The new lungs were dark, like they were BBQed.

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Monday, November 14, 2016


Voltaire would be proud.

 To quote a smart young lady:

Just a theory but: Maybe the reason "the world" is so shocked that trump won is because we silenced his supporters. The same reason Hillary supporters were on her side is the reason trump got so much support; the hate. Somehow the popular opinion, and the media took on Hillary's campaign. They were so focused on the wrong doings of trump, and shutting up the supporters, they them self became hateful. Hillary supporters were trying to get rid of the hate of minority races, lgbt communities, etc. And created a new hatred of their fellow Americans. Similar to the ideals they were scared of "dont talk to me if you're against gays, racist, etc." They themselves were saying "unfriend me if you support trump". Instead of talking, and having a politically sound argument, they refused to hear the other side. These same people who share the picture "if im wrong teach me, dont belittle me" were being hypocritical. They created the fear in the trump voters. They are the reason he won. Because they could no longer speak out. They couldn't show their support for him, in fear of the hate they would receive. Just because you dont agree with someone, doesn't mean you can hate them and silence their voice. Wasn't this the point of all this?  --Chandra Ramier

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Christmas Par Tay!

Last night, I went to the Aisin  Christmas Party.  Last night, I dreamt that things were slowing down at work.  We (the Shokuchos) were approached by management and told that there were only so many shokucho jobs left in a downsizing company.  They had decided to get all the shokuchos to write a paper explaining why each was the best candidate to keep one of the remaining positions. I was swearing and p1$$ed off and yelling, unusual for me at work--even, I think, from my team members' perspective.  I began in earnest to resignation.  I gave them four weeks notice.  Then I woke up; so, I don't know what it means.


Similar to the internet meme that goes something like, "Chew this root, drink this potion, eat this pill, drink this potion, chew this root," ID seems to be coming full circle.  Once scoffed at for beleving in a Creator, skeptics and conspiracy theorists alike are pondering the possibility that things are too perfect.  Amidst the what ifs are the discoveries of just how delicate the perfect balance is; the odds of it happening by chance are...astronomical.

P.S.  I remember that line from the move Stigmata where the priest explains how he came to believe in God because he had so many unanswered questions.

Conspiracy Thory

I will try my hand at conspiracy theory.  In keeping with the hollow moon theory, could the crashed module from the Apollo mission's reverberations of the moon's shell be causing our extreme weather patterns that climate alarmists are talking about?  Knowing this, could this be the reason we have not been back to the moon?  Could we have somehow upset the cosmic balance, changed the orbit or some similar derailment of nature?

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Having wanted nothing more than to serve as a raison d'etre, I can certainly identify with the young men to committed suicide for being being designated 4F.

Hop Hop

I was listening to the radio today, channel surfing really, and I paused briefly on a Christian station.  The subject?  Sin, The Ten Commandments, specifically false witness and adultery.  "Who doesn't lie," they asked.  We all lie.  Then they said that Jesus said that anybody that even thinks of another woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  We're all guilty of that.  I know I am.  They say that all a teenage boy thinks about is sex.  While I can assure you that my teenage years are far behind me--unfortunately for me--I can also attest to the fact that my mind is very much repeatedly occupied with the matter.  Maybe I'm part rabbit.  I don't know.  Never one to ascribe to the school of thought which states that you can get your appetite wherever you want as long as you eat at home, I am nevertheless powerless to change or to control my thoughts for that matter.  It's hard to drive an idea out.  But, perhaps the true test is actus rea.  As the great (fictional) Captain Picard once said, and I paraphrase, "I only think it; let us not judge a person until they act on those thoughts."

P. S.  A rabbit.

Bug Days

Some days you're the windshield.  Some days you're the bug.

A Truth?

Death smiles at every man.  All a man can do is smile back, to paraphrase a line from a movie.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


I think the right thing to do now is for Trump to give Hillary a presidential pardon.  It's over.   He won.  She's defeated.   Don't kick her when she's down.

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Balance is needed; but I'll settle for minimal representation.

All of the institutions of higher learning, and by extension the priesthood, are super saturated with liberalism.

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Help the poor? What helps them?

You say help the poor and I hear willful giving of oneself.   You hear socialism.  So many people are convinced without any doubt that this is the right way.  It is wrong to let people starve.  But, the greater evil is the loss of free will and the desire to better oneself.   Quality of life is the term pro choicers use.
If we are forced to pay taxes to support the unemployed,  are we not giving to Caesar rather than God?  There is no willingness to help your fellow man in this extortion.   More importantly,  the institutionalization of people harms them when they become conditioned into being complacent after their basic human needs are met.  There is no striving for betterment.   There is diminished quality of life, in both standard of living and in personal freedom.  And, they become a burden on the producers in society, who both keep less and are ever decreasing in number.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


My kingdom for a conservative Anglican Priest.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Soaking again...

To be clear, the virtue is that they are struggling to keep a promise to God...a promise that they never should have made.

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Heathen, Infidel, Gentile

Can we stop killing each other? 

A Truth

Biologically speaking, most males of any species are physically attractes to attractive young females.  

Don't read too much into that, I'm just saying.  Dad used to say that the older ladies are getting better looking but you young girls still look good.

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A Tool Not a Toy

Aslan told Peter that the sword was a tool, not a toy.

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Sunday, November 6, 2016


Lewis is awesome.  I watched LWW at the Avon Theatre last night.  I wanted to sob like a child then Aslan was tied down.  It's a marvelous retelling.

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The Nile

There's nothing wrong with denial, don't get me wrong.  Fasting is good for strengthening your spirit and faith.  Giving up something for God is great too. I try to fast every Lent.  Just don't make promises you can't keep. Most importantly,  if you fall...get back up.  Be gentel with yourself.  Realise your limitations.  Trust in The LORD.  And as for soaking,  it's wrong...if premarital sex is wrong...unless you realise that it is acceptable (not withstanding the hurt caused to others by disease and/or teen pregnancy).  Clear as mud?

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If you don't know the term, look it up.  Most of us scoff, "who are these idiots fooling!"  There's so much going on here.  To be sure, the Devil has had a small victory of sorts here.  I think Puritan leaning Christians recognize this.  It's dangerous too, and risky.   That being said, there is much to admire here.  Truly.  If they believe it is wrong to have premarital intercourse and choose to retrain,  they do so for the love of God.  Truly awesome.   They are denying to self, in a sort of perpetual state of Lent.  Doing something that they can't do, so they soak.  They deny to themselves something that maybe isn't wrong.  And, by so committing,  give the Devil his little victory.  Marlow says that sex is a biological need.  If right, self denial may be compaired to the need for shelter or companionship.   To deny a need is to set oneself up to fail.  It is with good intend, sacrifice offered to God, that they commit.   When they do,  the Devil laughs and waits.  St. Paul might have said that they submitted to the law.  Everything is acceptable but not everything is good for you.


I've noticed of late (very late) that my hair is thinning, at the crown.  I thought this bane would pass me by.  Dad, and my two younger brothers, are bald as badgers.  I've had a good run.  I fight aging tooth and nail.   I've been plucking out the odd grey hair, not dyeing.   No, not from my crown,  actually it's just been from my beard.  This bald thing troubles me.  I keep finding myself correcting myself for thinking (hoping) it will go back.  Time only moves us forward.

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If I was singing along to Queen, I'd be singing, "Beazlebub has two devils put aside for me."

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