Sunday, December 6, 2015

The People Who Were the Biggest Influences on Me

Here are the people who were the biggest influences on me and who I am in no particular order:
  • Jesus Christ--I'd like to say He was the greatest influence, but I feel He should be at the top of my un-ordered list. 
  • Admiral Lord Nelson
  • Optimus Prime--I didn't say they all had to be real people.
  • My Mother
  • My Father
  • My Step-father
  • The Ven. Tanya M. Phibbs
  • Fr. Ted Hales
  • Canon Michael Farr
  • Fr. Andreas Thiel (Father Andy as I joked I would call him before he was priested.)
  • Gene Rodenberry
  • St. Paul
  • St. Peter 
  • St. Thomas
  • Br. Bede Thomas Mudge
Honorable mentions go to my daughter--who I wanted to put on the list--and my wife, who although didn't overly change my behavior had a huge impact on me in so many other ways.  Those people all changed how I thought, and sometimes how I perceived things.  Some, like Br. Bede, only had a small impact on me--although I loved his writing--and may have helped/changed one thing/thought.  Some changed many thoughts.  Some shaped my personality.  And, some became influential role models who I patterned by actions after.

1 comment:

  1. I'll add Carl Jung, and maybe Freud, Pavlov & Skinner, as well as Thomas Cranmer and Saints Benedict and Anthony. Honourable mention goes to St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Martin de Porres, Thomas Hobbes, Thomas Jefferson, Milton Freedman, Jeremy Bentham, and Immanuel Kent.


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