Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I think it's wrong to let all these Syrian refugees into the country.  We're letting thousands of invaders into the nation.  We've become soft and they are taking advantage of us.  We're not being prudent.  Some might say, "Can we stop those in need from getting help just because some of them are terrorists?"  Yes!  Because, who are we to decided that someone in downtown Toronto is to die five years from now in a car bombing so that we can uphold our liberal values?  At some point, we have to think of security.  Am I racist?  Many think that I am.  But, I have no problem with immigrants from the UK, Italy, Jamaica, Hindus and Christians from India and Pakistan, Christians and secularists from Africa, Asians, etc.  Islam is not a race.  Sure, most of them are good people.  Many are not.  Jews don't fly planes into Western high rise buildings.  And, the so called moderate Muslims support the radicals through monetary means, or political means, or through indifference.  The Muslim Council should stand up and denounce terrorism louder than all others.  Who am I to decide that it's more important to take in refugees than keep Joe Smith from being killed in an explosion in Montreal in 2019?  This is not fixing the problem.  Because, there are still millions of refugees in the Middle East who won't be coming here.  Fixing the problem is fixing it over there.  Bringing millions of refugees to the West is bringing the problem here too unfortunately.  Them's the facts.  Time will prove me right.  God willing I'm wrong. 

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