Sunday, December 27, 2015

First Sunday After Christmas

Today is the first Sunday after Christmas.  Fr. Daniel was off and we had a guest priest.  He was the rev'd Jim Miller.  I'm sorry I was there.  At first, I thought he's a relic from the past, fighting a fight that was won decades ago.  As his sermon went on, it got more and more political and borderline heretical.  I've never felt more like I didn't belong.  I told myself, as I sat in the pew, that he was a visiting priest and not Fr. Daniel.  But, at the same time, I knew that his views permeate the larger Church.  Why do people have to bring politics into worship!  Why!  Why can't we have a selfless priest who will minister to all, who will reconcile both sides?

I've probably said it before, but when I hear the rhetoric about a priest's sin not being a barrier to blessing the elements at the Eucharist, I only think one thing:  that's how they quieted discontent with those who resisted the imposed initial liberal changes; keep them in the pews, from leaving, and they will keep bringing their money.  Because, if they believe in the Eucharist and that differences of opinion don't matter if we focus on what we have in common in Christ, they will not resist and stay in the pews.  When I hear that there is room in the big tent for all Anglicans, dissenting as they may be, I only hear one thing:  there is room for you in the pew (and your money), but not in voting or leadership positions; we don't want you to rock the boat, but want you in your paying pew.  God willing this isn't how it is and I'm wrong.  But, I see that the Prayer Book Society were not the fear-mongers that the liberal clerics claimed they were; they were prophets.  This is how I perceive it.

P.S.  I don't get this move to change the Church to attract those who don't want to be there at the expense of those who are there; people just don't want to be there anymore; cultivate what you have and stop focusing on plants that don't grow here that will choke out the staple crops.  Nor do I understand the move to champion secondary causes such as the environment, animal rights, global warming, etc...

I think I'm done ranting but I'm pissed off.  Ahhh!

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