Monday, December 28, 2015

The Nature of Sin

I've come to believe that sin is perpetual, and support this belief with scripture as well as life experience. However, one verse has continued to bother me (1 John 3:6).  Some Christians believe (and shout it from the rooftops) that once you become truly Christian, you don't (read aren't allowed to or can't) sin again.  And, I wonder where atheists, secularists, and the unChurched get this idea, eh?  As I wrestled with this scripture in 1 John and the seeming incompatibility with other scriptures, I arrived at a possible solution.  It is this:  If we are dead to sin, as St. Paul wrote in Romans 7, then it has no power over us and we can not actually sin.  Again, I'd like to repeat my intent belief; if you believe it's wrong, it's wrong; if you believe it's right, it's right.  This is not relativism.  This is based on taking what was written in Romans 14 about food and applying it to other perceived sins.  I love this chapter, and it has given me great comfort.  But, this is all supposition and I don't need a millstone tied around my neck.  You need to read and pray, and may the Holy Spirit guide you.  Remember again too the great commandment, my so called constitution with which all other rules must fit.  To summarize, sin never goes away and is always with us.  Sin is perpetual and doesn't stop.  But, if we are dead to sin in Christ, then sin has no power over us and we are not sinning but it is only our human nature that is sinful.  Therefore, we will always do what others see as sinful.  However, Christ has freed us from the power of sin, paid the price for it and for death through his death and suffering on the Cross.  This is not a license to sin, rather it is recognizing that sin is ongoing and that we are forgiven.  The lie of the Devil is that we have made ourselves unworthy to have a relationship with God through Christ.

1 John 1:8Good News Translation (GNT)

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us.

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