Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Reading from Genesis

In today's reading, Jacob blesses his grandchildren from Joseph.  One thing of note, he asks that the angel bless the boys.  Now, as a protestant I've always felt uncomfortable with the Catholic practice of praying to saints and angels.  But, technically he's not praying to the angel.  Still, I raised an eyebrow when Jacob asked for the angel's blessing.

Break is a Blessing

Factories get a bad rap often.  I was just thinking of how nice it is to have a Christmas break.   Lots of people are forced to work the stretch between New Year's day and Christmas.  I'm lucky to have this job, blessed.  Thanks be to God.

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Vocational Deacon

I have often actually thought of having a ministry consisting of parish ministry as a vocational deacon for Churches that can't afford a priest.  But, I've never felt called.  I've watched lots of Churches close, especially down home.  It's very sad that St. John's United in Shigawake closed it's doors, a Church near and dear to me.  In Stratford, Centennial United and now St. John's has closed.  It's a tough time for rural parishes too.  And, one of the last great costs that a declining parish has is to pay a priest.  Some have multi point parishes to share the cost, but it is still a great expense to declining membership.   But, you have to be called to such a ministry and I have received no such call.

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Mom said that I missed my calling once when we were talking about religion.  Maybe, except that I can't do public speaking and don't know if I could minister to all.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bad Night at the Soup Kitchen

People can be so rude.  They demand and expect.  They've been institutionalized.  They are so lucky; they don't know what poverty is.  The Syrian refugees know what starving is.  The people of the Ivory Coast know what poverty is.  It's hard to stay focused, stay objective, when dealing with people who are ungrateful and owed everything.  We're not truly assessing need.  We're extending their welfare check.  The more food we give them from our pockets, the more smokes and booze they can buy.  Chris Rock may have said it best when he said that a real homeless man doesn't have a funny sign because a real homeless man is too hungry to be funny.  They actually call sometimes to ask what's being cooked in order to decide if they will come or not.  I remember Kathy or Joyce telling me that their mother used to feed the homeless men out the back door some sandwiches during the depression.  They were genuinely grateful because there was no welfare.  If you weren't lucky enough to have a job, you didn't eat.  I'm not wishing them to be back in this position, but I am wishing that they were grateful like that again.  No, I don't expect begging and groveling, just a little appreciation would be nice.  I want them to have dignity, but I want the soup kitchen volunteers to have some dignity too. 

Tobit 14:9 GNT from Bible Gateway

Tobit 14:9 GNT

Bring up your children to do what is right. Teach them that they must give to the poor and must always remember to praise God with all sincerity. shared Tobit 14:9 GNT with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Be all things to all people!

I was praying the office this morning and thought about the word men and my intent.  The word man and men has been removed from a lot of liturgy as it is found to exclude women.  Thankfully, it's still in the BCP.  I say thankfully because I'm a bit of a purist about some things (okay, a lot of things) and like originals.  It's good to make women feel included (although there are more of them than men in Church now), but I digress.  I had this prayer in my office today:

"O GOD, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son Jesus Christ to preach peace to them that are afar off and to them that are nigh:  Grant that all peoples of the world may feel after thee and find thee;  and hasten, O Lord, the fulfillment of thy promise to pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen."

When I pray these prayers, and I use the words man and men, I intend them as all, as mankind.  That is my intent, not to exclude women from God's grace.  I'm fine with removing them for corporate worship, because it's more important; I must be all things to all men (sorry, all people).


I think it's wrong to let all these Syrian refugees into the country.  We're letting thousands of invaders into the nation.  We've become soft and they are taking advantage of us.  We're not being prudent.  Some might say, "Can we stop those in need from getting help just because some of them are terrorists?"  Yes!  Because, who are we to decided that someone in downtown Toronto is to die five years from now in a car bombing so that we can uphold our liberal values?  At some point, we have to think of security.  Am I racist?  Many think that I am.  But, I have no problem with immigrants from the UK, Italy, Jamaica, Hindus and Christians from India and Pakistan, Christians and secularists from Africa, Asians, etc.  Islam is not a race.  Sure, most of them are good people.  Many are not.  Jews don't fly planes into Western high rise buildings.  And, the so called moderate Muslims support the radicals through monetary means, or political means, or through indifference.  The Muslim Council should stand up and denounce terrorism louder than all others.  Who am I to decide that it's more important to take in refugees than keep Joe Smith from being killed in an explosion in Montreal in 2019?  This is not fixing the problem.  Because, there are still millions of refugees in the Middle East who won't be coming here.  Fixing the problem is fixing it over there.  Bringing millions of refugees to the West is bringing the problem here too unfortunately.  Them's the facts.  Time will prove me right.  God willing I'm wrong. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Prayer for the election of a bishop in Huron

ALMIGHTY God, the giver of all good gifts; Grant thy blessing, we humbly beseech thee, to the clergy and laity about to assemble for the election of a Bishop; and give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, that a chief Pastor may be chosen who shall minister before thee to the glory of thy Name, the good government of the flock committed to his charge, and the welfare of thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

The Nature of Sin

I've come to believe that sin is perpetual, and support this belief with scripture as well as life experience. However, one verse has continued to bother me (1 John 3:6).  Some Christians believe (and shout it from the rooftops) that once you become truly Christian, you don't (read aren't allowed to or can't) sin again.  And, I wonder where atheists, secularists, and the unChurched get this idea, eh?  As I wrestled with this scripture in 1 John and the seeming incompatibility with other scriptures, I arrived at a possible solution.  It is this:  If we are dead to sin, as St. Paul wrote in Romans 7, then it has no power over us and we can not actually sin.  Again, I'd like to repeat my intent belief; if you believe it's wrong, it's wrong; if you believe it's right, it's right.  This is not relativism.  This is based on taking what was written in Romans 14 about food and applying it to other perceived sins.  I love this chapter, and it has given me great comfort.  But, this is all supposition and I don't need a millstone tied around my neck.  You need to read and pray, and may the Holy Spirit guide you.  Remember again too the great commandment, my so called constitution with which all other rules must fit.  To summarize, sin never goes away and is always with us.  Sin is perpetual and doesn't stop.  But, if we are dead to sin in Christ, then sin has no power over us and we are not sinning but it is only our human nature that is sinful.  Therefore, we will always do what others see as sinful.  However, Christ has freed us from the power of sin, paid the price for it and for death through his death and suffering on the Cross.  This is not a license to sin, rather it is recognizing that sin is ongoing and that we are forgiven.  The lie of the Devil is that we have made ourselves unworthy to have a relationship with God through Christ.

1 John 1:8Good News Translation (GNT)

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Why was I planted there?

I believe God called me to St. Paul's, but why?  What is my purpose there?  Being there, I'm reminded of a few versus (Revelation 18:4 & Jude 1:4).   I feel sometimes that I'm supposed to stay inside the parish community and minister, be a voice for orthodoxy.   Other times, I feel God is giving me the nudge to leave, like today.  Unfortunately,  Cindy is glued there, and so we stay.

Lucas, you suck.

I can't believe Ren killed Solo!

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First Sunday After Christmas

Today is the first Sunday after Christmas.  Fr. Daniel was off and we had a guest priest.  He was the rev'd Jim Miller.  I'm sorry I was there.  At first, I thought he's a relic from the past, fighting a fight that was won decades ago.  As his sermon went on, it got more and more political and borderline heretical.  I've never felt more like I didn't belong.  I told myself, as I sat in the pew, that he was a visiting priest and not Fr. Daniel.  But, at the same time, I knew that his views permeate the larger Church.  Why do people have to bring politics into worship!  Why!  Why can't we have a selfless priest who will minister to all, who will reconcile both sides?

I've probably said it before, but when I hear the rhetoric about a priest's sin not being a barrier to blessing the elements at the Eucharist, I only think one thing:  that's how they quieted discontent with those who resisted the imposed initial liberal changes; keep them in the pews, from leaving, and they will keep bringing their money.  Because, if they believe in the Eucharist and that differences of opinion don't matter if we focus on what we have in common in Christ, they will not resist and stay in the pews.  When I hear that there is room in the big tent for all Anglicans, dissenting as they may be, I only hear one thing:  there is room for you in the pew (and your money), but not in voting or leadership positions; we don't want you to rock the boat, but want you in your paying pew.  God willing this isn't how it is and I'm wrong.  But, I see that the Prayer Book Society were not the fear-mongers that the liberal clerics claimed they were; they were prophets.  This is how I perceive it.

P.S.  I don't get this move to change the Church to attract those who don't want to be there at the expense of those who are there; people just don't want to be there anymore; cultivate what you have and stop focusing on plants that don't grow here that will choke out the staple crops.  Nor do I understand the move to champion secondary causes such as the environment, animal rights, global warming, etc...

I think I'm done ranting but I'm pissed off.  Ahhh!

I found a great prayer online for inner healing.

Prayer for Inner Healing
Lord Jesus, You came to heal our wounded and troubled hearts. I beg You to heal the torments that cause anxiety in my heart; I beg You, in a particular way, to heal all who are the cause of sin. I beg You to come into my life and heal me of the psychological harms that struck me in my early years and from the injuries that they caused through my life.
Lord Jesus, You know my burdens. I lay them all on Your Good Shepherd’s Heart. I beseech You – by the merits of the great, open wound in Your heart-to heal the small wounds that are in mine. Heal the pain of my memories, so that nothing that has happened to me will cause me to remain in pain and anguish, filled with anxiety.
Heal, O Lord, all those wounds that have been the cause of all the evil that is rooted in my life. I want to forgive all those who have offended me. Look to those inner sores that make me unable to forgive. You Who came to forgive the afflicted of heart, please, heal my own heart.
Heal, my Lord Jesus, those intimate wounds that cause me physical illness. I offer You my heart. Accept it, Lord, purify it and give me the sentiments of Your Divine Heart. Help me to be meek and humble.
Heal me, O Lord, from the pain caused by the death of my loved ones, which is oppressing me. Grant me to regain peace and joy in the knowledge that You are the Resurrection and the Life. Make me an authentic witness to Your Resurrection, Your victory over sin and death, Your living presence among us. Amen.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Human Sacrifice

This time of year is especially special to Satanists too, calling for human and/or animal sacrifice.   First I thought that this doesn't happen anymore.  I mean, wouldn't somebody notice human sacrifice?   Then I thought, "What if they use to be aborted fetuses?"  Nobody would ever notice.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Dumb Conversation of the Day or The UnChurched

C:  "She's not here.  Should I wait?  What can I do with the food donation if she doesn't show up at all?"

W:  "We can't wait.  We don't have a lot of time.  We have Church at six and have to eat and shower before that.  We're going straight from the Church to the Christmas party after.  Why don't we just drop the food off at the Church now?  It'll be opened by now."

C:  "Do you think so?"

W:  "Yes, they'll be getting ready."

S:  "Why would a Church be opened on a holiday?"

Isaiah 53 GNT from Bible Gateway

Isaiah 53 GNT

The people reply, "Who would have believed what we now report? Who could have seen the Lord's hand in this? It was the will of the Lord that his servant grow like a plant taking root in dry ground. He had no dignity or beauty to make us take notice of him. There was nothing attractive about him, nothing that would draw us to him. We despised him and rejected him; he endured suffering and pain. No one would even look at him— we ignored him as if he were nothing. "But he endured… shared Isaiah 53 GNT with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

The Meaning of X-mas

The Meaning

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The Intolerance of Diversity


The intolerance of diversity

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Full Lune

They saw it's the first full moon on Christmas in almost forty years.  May it be an omen.  Come Lord Jesus.  Come.

Polar Friggen Vortex

Last year when Climate Deniers were citing the record cold and record snow fall, Climate Alarmists were saying that it was only due to the polar vortex and didn't represent the overall trend of what was happening.  Alright, turn around is fair play.  This year we have record highs expected for Christmas, with no snow.  So, what do we call it?  El Nino?  Call me a climate denier if you will.  I don't see the evidence as conclusive; there is reasonable doubt.  If global tempetures are on the rise, and there seems to be some debate on the issue--with no recorded average increases in over ten years, what proof do we have that it is not a natural phenomenon?  Please have a look at the attached pic and links:



The Power of Words

I used to pray the prayer of St. Francis almost on a daily basis.  I often added it to the personal prayers in the daily office.  It was a prayer of hope to me.  It was a prayer of change I wanted to see.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it meaningful.  Then, one day, somebody said to me that I was a hypocrite because I didn't do any of the things in the prayer.  I stopped using the prayer.  The well had been poisoned.  The prayer became bitter.  I don't think I've prayed it since that day, certainly not regularly if at all.


When a mafia goon beats somebody to death with a baseball bat, do we outlaw the playing of baseball.  No.

Pssst... it wasn't the bat.

Conservatives are racist!

Conservatives want everybody to be equal at the starting line.  Liberals want everybody to be equal at the finish line.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wanna Be a Priest?

"If Jesus were here he'd support [fill in the blank]."

No.  Minister to all.

"If Jesus were here now, he'd be a [fill in the blank]."

No.  Don't make it political.

"If Jesus were here, he'd champion [fill in the blank] cause."

No.  Champion the Jesus cause.  Just the Jesus cause.

"Jesus said to love.  If we really love, we'd [fill in the blank]."

No.  That's your opinion.  Jesus said love.  Love.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The People Who Were the Biggest Influences on Me

Here are the people who were the biggest influences on me and who I am in no particular order:
  • Jesus Christ--I'd like to say He was the greatest influence, but I feel He should be at the top of my un-ordered list. 
  • Admiral Lord Nelson
  • Optimus Prime--I didn't say they all had to be real people.
  • My Mother
  • My Father
  • My Step-father
  • The Ven. Tanya M. Phibbs
  • Fr. Ted Hales
  • Canon Michael Farr
  • Fr. Andreas Thiel (Father Andy as I joked I would call him before he was priested.)
  • Gene Rodenberry
  • St. Paul
  • St. Peter 
  • St. Thomas
  • Br. Bede Thomas Mudge
Honorable mentions go to my daughter--who I wanted to put on the list--and my wife, who although didn't overly change my behavior had a huge impact on me in so many other ways.  Those people all changed how I thought, and sometimes how I perceived things.  Some, like Br. Bede, only had a small impact on me--although I loved his writing--and may have helped/changed one thing/thought.  Some changed many thoughts.  Some shaped my personality.  And, some became influential role models who I patterned by actions after.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Starnge Draems

I had a few that were a little strange.  A few days ago I was flying.   It took a lot of conventeation to stay up.  I couldn't at first.  I had to try so hard.  Last night, I was bald and didn't know it.  Totally.

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