Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon

Now I love monastic chant.  I wish I could incorporate more of it in my daily office (maybe I should call it sporadic office due to my lack of discipline, but I digest).  There's some catchy unorthodox stuff out there, which I enjoy too.  However, with events of recent weeks in the news, I'm seeing a rise of Templar stuff, a subject of interest to me.  The call to the crusades is a tempting yet impractical and dangerous idea.  But, I gotta admit, the Templar chant has me hooked.  And, fighting monks captures my imagination much in the same way that people are fascinated by Shaolin monks.  Could a holy war, a jihad, be coming?  Is there to be a fourth crusade?  There's really two issues here, and at this point I feel wrong to mix them....

P.S.  Do we have a moral obligation to protect innocent Canadians from acts of terror?  Is the government doing enough (effective)?  At what point is it okay to defend ourselves and for the common people to take up the fight (on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a random shooting/stabbing and 10 being the total breakdown of society where there is no electricity/jobs/laws/food)?

1 comment:

  1. FYI, although the burning of the Mosque was to be expected (backlash is normal), I do not condone the action, not in civil peace loving democratic society with the rule of law.


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