Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I used to be very pro union, a union steward.  Today I weighed the idea of outlawing unions, toyed with the idea.  They subvert democracy and have become all but all powerful.  They beat Tim Hudak.  They had a hand in the downfall of PM Harper.  While political parties have imposed spending limitations--individuals only, can donate a maximum of $1500 CAD/year--labour unions have no such limitations; they are free to spend as much as they want, borrow to spend even and pay back later.  They can, and do, attack freely in the media...for a price of course; money being no object, the conservatives are always at a disadvantage.  Corporations are not allowed to donate to political parties, not one cent.  The unions got out the vote, the unionized teachers even got out the university vote like never before I've been told.  The unionized public sector workers turned on the ruling conservative party.  A pet peeve of mine, even when the conservatives are in power the bureaucracy goes into full on attack/survival mode; the first order of business of any organization is self preservation.  Small government conservatives are by nature anti bureaucratic and are therefore the enemy.  Oil and water, it's a fight to get anything done for conservatives.  Bureaucrats leak information and try to embarrass their elected conservative bosses.  Any group that receives government money, nay the people's money, are going to fight fiercely to ensure it keeps coming in.  The supply must not stop.  Effectiveness of programs is not the goal or objective, increasing the budget is.  Spend it or loose it.  Unionized teachers?  Indoctrinate a new generation of leftist voters!

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