Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Liberals Attack Queen After One Week in Power

There is a strong republican movement within the Liberal party of Canada that didn't fade away with John Manley's retirement from politics.  Save our Queen by signing the petition:  http://www.savethequeen.ca

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From:"Dominion Secretary" <domsec@bellnet.ca>
Date:Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 2:41 am




Member alert – action requested!




Over the weekend, the picture of The Queen hanging in the foyer of the Lester B Pearson Building was replaced by the work Canada Ouest Canada Est by the Canadian artist Alfred Pellan.


The move has been defended by Adam Barratt, the Press Secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion. He observed that the painting had been placed in the foyer for the inauguration of the Building by The Queen in 1973, and “I am sure Her Majesty would not be at all troubled to find it once again taking its place as a relevant symbol of Canada’s history and culture.” [our translation]  Media reports suggest that the art world and Public Servants had been most upset by the decision to remove the painting by then Minister John Baird in honour of HM’s Diamond Jubilee around the time of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2012. 


It is not the purpose of the League, in general, to view with suspicion every re-arrangement of images of The Queen. Canada’s loyalty to the Crown does not depend on where such imagery appears. But it is curious, at the start of the first complete week of the Trudeau government, that such a high-profile removal of The Queen’s portrait would have been made.  Surely in this instance, a way should have been found – and could yet be found – to display both The Queen, Head of the Nation and focus of our Allegiance – and what is certainly a very beautiful Canadian painting in the foyer of the Pearson Building.


Appended below are statements the League received and previously circulated from Mr Trudeau and the Liberal Campaign in respect of our Monarchy. We ask League members, especially those occupied by incoming Liberal MP’s, to express their concern to their MP and to Mr Trudeau – underlining that the deeper issue raised in our minds is whether this is the first of series of initiatives to excise images of The Sovereign from our national life. What the motivation for such action would be is puzzling given the professed support of the new administration for the Crown.


It may take some digging to contact your MP if elected for a first time.  Mr Trudeau. however, is accessible via an email contact form:


Email: http://pm.gc.ca/contactpm (form)

Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Fax: 613-941-6900


As always we will keep you and the media abreast of symbolic and substantive actions affecting the Crown by the new government.  We will not rush to judgement; but neither will we overlook the fact that this election gave the government no mandate to change or derogate the fundamental institution of our national identity.



A) May 2014: letter to Chairman Finch


Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me regarding the monarchy in Canada. I would also like to thank you for your kind words of congratulations.

At the 2012 Liberal Party Convention, delegates were invited to introduce, debate, and vote on Liberal policy. Delegates explicitly rejected a motion to include severing Canada's ties with the monarchy as part of Liberal policy. My view is that severing our centuries-old connection to the monarchy is not a decision to be made lightly. The monarchy remains a cornerstone of Canada's foundation, and any debate surrounding changes to this institution must include as many Canadians as possible in the discussion.

Thank you again for taking the time to write. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear the thoughts and opinions of Canadians. It is through such exchanges of ideas and opinions that I can best represent not only my constituents, but all Canadians.


Justin P. J. Trudeau
Member of Parliament for Papineau
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


B) October 2015: reply from national Liberal Campaign HQ to League survey of party positions


Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in Canadian history and remains a beloved figure for many Canadians. Over the past 63 years, she has stood with Canada through key moments of our country’s history and, as our nation underwent change and transformation, has been a rock of stability and a steadfast keeper of tradition. The Liberal Party has no intention of re-opening the Canadian constitution on this issue. Her Majesty will remain an integral part of our country’s evolution, progress, and future.




The Monarchist League of Canada
La Ligue monarchiste du Canada
PO Box 1057/CP 1057
Lakeshore West PO


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