Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I will never know what it feels like to put on my country's uniform.

Comimg home from Base Borden is the shittiest thing I've ever had to do.  I thought about it a lot.  I chalked it up to then thinking I was too passive, being an introvert.  I thought I fu3ked up the role-playing scenarios (which i subsequently passed on my ATS testing).  In retrospect I now know that there were several unknown hurdles that contributed to my disappointment and shame. 
To Sergeant Smith who anxiously tried to get me started:  Thank you.
To Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer Fitzgerald who, in janitor's camo, talked to me at length about nothing at all until it was time for orientation:  Thank you.
To Major Simpson who saw something in me that nobody else did and sent me to MP school:  Thank you Sir!  God bless you for giving me a chance.
To the doubters:  Thanks for giving me the strength to compete.
To those who failed me before I started:  You won; the loss is all mine.
To those who broke my spirit:  May God have mercy on your soul.

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1 comment:

  1. A voice inside me cries out, "You were born to be a soldier, to serve, to defend people."


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