Monday, November 30, 2015


Kentucky Bluegrass:  a type of grass, more of a blue hue than pure green although not actually blue.

Ontario Bluegrass:  frost.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015


I'm not an important person, but I know lots of important people.

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Sad Ship

I'm very sad that Chandra isn't coming with us on the cruise in February.  I wanted to take my folks, Cindy, and Chandra.  It'll never happen again.  But, she wants to spend it with her new boyfriend of six months.  The good book says that they grow up and leave...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is My Work (an old post from weeks ago that I found in the draft bin)

God has called me to be a father and provider.  I even know how I arrived at St. Paul's Church, by the hand of God.  Now that Chandra is off to school, now what?  What work do I have unfinished?
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Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon

Now I love monastic chant.  I wish I could incorporate more of it in my daily office (maybe I should call it sporadic office due to my lack of discipline, but I digest).  There's some catchy unorthodox stuff out there, which I enjoy too.  However, with events of recent weeks in the news, I'm seeing a rise of Templar stuff, a subject of interest to me.  The call to the crusades is a tempting yet impractical and dangerous idea.  But, I gotta admit, the Templar chant has me hooked.  And, fighting monks captures my imagination much in the same way that people are fascinated by Shaolin monks.  Could a holy war, a jihad, be coming?  Is there to be a fourth crusade?  There's really two issues here, and at this point I feel wrong to mix them....

P.S.  Do we have a moral obligation to protect innocent Canadians from acts of terror?  Is the government doing enough (effective)?  At what point is it okay to defend ourselves and for the common people to take up the fight (on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a random shooting/stabbing and 10 being the total breakdown of society where there is no electricity/jobs/laws/food)?

America The Greatest

Viral video about the fall of America.

The critique of said video.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The free world has lost its leader

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That's not insane.   Insane is teeing off on a carrot up your ass with a plunger.

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Acknowledge What you are angry at.

Do clergy tell people now that it's okay to be angry at God just so that they believe?  So that they are forced to recognize at What they direct their anger?  I've always thought it was wrong, and God willing I will never be tested, to be angry at God. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


The Spanish drove out the Moore's.  Will it happen again?  Should it?

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Churchill said that Dec. 7th was the first night he slept well during the war.  If the reports are true that Russia has been attacked, the jihad may be over (beginning of the end).

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Paris, Death to America, Jihad, and Their War on the West

I'm not calling for the death of all Muslims, or even that they all be kicked out at this point; however, we do need to stop ISIS.  We do need to stop terriorists.  Letting in tens of thousands of unscreened refugees is asking for the next attack to be in Toronto or Montreal.  God help us with Just in Trudeau in charge.

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I eased my way back into the news today, at least checking social media.  I'm still not ready for solid food and may vomit without warning.   I poked my head out of my bunker with the bright flash still on the horizon,  the fallout and socialist winter yet to come.  The half life of the interest of Trudeau's debt will last for generations.  What have we done to ourselves?

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bike Lanes

Bike lanes should never be on the road.   Aside from hindering traffic, cars are a bigger danger to cyclists than cyclists ever were to pedestrians.   The only real reason bike lanes were added to the streets was to satisfy the pining of tree hugging pine nut eating communists.  If I were Premier,  I would make Stratford a pilot project for bike lanes on the sidewalk.  Cyclists would have to dismount and walk their bikes across the street.  Study the statistics and when there is evidence of reduced cyclists' fatalities, expand it province wide.

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Whiskey & Whisky

Most of my collection.

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An old acquaintance, JH, wrote a good pro milk health story.  I went to her FB page to find a link to the story to share it with somebody.  I was overwhelmed with liberalism.  The social spending,  anti trade, wind power, and green green green green green,  was too much for me to take.   I had to exit and never found the blurb.

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Appreantly Fr. Daniel spoke at the service yesterday and John Nater layed a wreath as well.  People gathered to show thanks to our heroes past and present.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I missed the service today, not because I had to work,  but because I'm selfish.  What was once perhaps the greatest day for me has become a bitter reminder and I must find a way to move past this.  Plus, I'm still in a state of shock over the results of the federal election and am in a funk.

I will never know what it feels like to put on my country's uniform.

Comimg home from Base Borden is the shittiest thing I've ever had to do.  I thought about it a lot.  I chalked it up to then thinking I was too passive, being an introvert.  I thought I fu3ked up the role-playing scenarios (which i subsequently passed on my ATS testing).  In retrospect I now know that there were several unknown hurdles that contributed to my disappointment and shame. 
To Sergeant Smith who anxiously tried to get me started:  Thank you.
To Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer Fitzgerald who, in janitor's camo, talked to me at length about nothing at all until it was time for orientation:  Thank you.
To Major Simpson who saw something in me that nobody else did and sent me to MP school:  Thank you Sir!  God bless you for giving me a chance.
To the doubters:  Thanks for giving me the strength to compete.
To those who failed me before I started:  You won; the loss is all mine.
To those who broke my spirit:  May God have mercy on your soul.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Acta Non Verba

We say we need to get more young people involved in the Church, and St. Paul's specifically.   But, we don't really mean it.  The veteran parishioners have their clutches sunk deep into the meat of the institution and are unwilling to relinquish control.  When they do eek out some control and responsibility, it is only to well vetted like minded lackeys.   Power blocks form.  They are unwilling to share ownership.  Sure, they'll share the work load, but not the decision making. When they say we need new people in the Church, I hear paying members in the pews.

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Liberals Attack Queen After One Week in Power

There is a strong republican movement within the Liberal party of Canada that didn't fade away with John Manley's retirement from politics.  Save our Queen by signing the petition:

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From:"Dominion Secretary" <>
Date:Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 2:41 am




Member alert – action requested!




Over the weekend, the picture of The Queen hanging in the foyer of the Lester B Pearson Building was replaced by the work Canada Ouest Canada Est by the Canadian artist Alfred Pellan.


The move has been defended by Adam Barratt, the Press Secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion. He observed that the painting had been placed in the foyer for the inauguration of the Building by The Queen in 1973, and “I am sure Her Majesty would not be at all troubled to find it once again taking its place as a relevant symbol of Canada’s history and culture.” [our translation]  Media reports suggest that the art world and Public Servants had been most upset by the decision to remove the painting by then Minister John Baird in honour of HM’s Diamond Jubilee around the time of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2012. 


It is not the purpose of the League, in general, to view with suspicion every re-arrangement of images of The Queen. Canada’s loyalty to the Crown does not depend on where such imagery appears. But it is curious, at the start of the first complete week of the Trudeau government, that such a high-profile removal of The Queen’s portrait would have been made.  Surely in this instance, a way should have been found – and could yet be found – to display both The Queen, Head of the Nation and focus of our Allegiance – and what is certainly a very beautiful Canadian painting in the foyer of the Pearson Building.


Appended below are statements the League received and previously circulated from Mr Trudeau and the Liberal Campaign in respect of our Monarchy. We ask League members, especially those occupied by incoming Liberal MP’s, to express their concern to their MP and to Mr Trudeau – underlining that the deeper issue raised in our minds is whether this is the first of series of initiatives to excise images of The Sovereign from our national life. What the motivation for such action would be is puzzling given the professed support of the new administration for the Crown.


It may take some digging to contact your MP if elected for a first time.  Mr Trudeau. however, is accessible via an email contact form:


Email: (form)

Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Fax: 613-941-6900


As always we will keep you and the media abreast of symbolic and substantive actions affecting the Crown by the new government.  We will not rush to judgement; but neither will we overlook the fact that this election gave the government no mandate to change or derogate the fundamental institution of our national identity.



A) May 2014: letter to Chairman Finch


Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me regarding the monarchy in Canada. I would also like to thank you for your kind words of congratulations.

At the 2012 Liberal Party Convention, delegates were invited to introduce, debate, and vote on Liberal policy. Delegates explicitly rejected a motion to include severing Canada's ties with the monarchy as part of Liberal policy. My view is that severing our centuries-old connection to the monarchy is not a decision to be made lightly. The monarchy remains a cornerstone of Canada's foundation, and any debate surrounding changes to this institution must include as many Canadians as possible in the discussion.

Thank you again for taking the time to write. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear the thoughts and opinions of Canadians. It is through such exchanges of ideas and opinions that I can best represent not only my constituents, but all Canadians.


Justin P. J. Trudeau
Member of Parliament for Papineau
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


B) October 2015: reply from national Liberal Campaign HQ to League survey of party positions


Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in Canadian history and remains a beloved figure for many Canadians. Over the past 63 years, she has stood with Canada through key moments of our country’s history and, as our nation underwent change and transformation, has been a rock of stability and a steadfast keeper of tradition. The Liberal Party has no intention of re-opening the Canadian constitution on this issue. Her Majesty will remain an integral part of our country’s evolution, progress, and future.




The Monarchist League of Canada
La Ligue monarchiste du Canada
PO Box 1057/CP 1057
Lakeshore West PO


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First Nations Celibate Liberal Victory

Liberals don't support First Nations bands.   Liberals support socialism.   Giving out money is what they do.  Teach a man to fish.

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I wonder if I've moved at all.  Psychologists say our personalities are set by age seven.  Still, we can grow and push ourselves.  We can stretch and adapt.  But, I like my MB type. 

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21st Century Bible


"Am I my brother's beeper?"

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I was just thinking that the government forcing people to pay for the poor (institutionalized) makes the liberals like Fr. Daniel's temple leaders fleecing the widow.

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I thought I'd take a minute here to write about Dad.  It's been a rough ride.  After years of being estranged,  we started talking again this past year.  We spend an hour a week out for coffee.  Perhaps it will never again be as it was.  I think, though, we have burried the Hachette.  I never really knew him until the summer I turned nine, then didn't see him again until I was 18.  Family friction later caused us to walk apart with much hard feelings.  I still do not speak to my oldest brother.  We humans can be hateful animals and wound so severely.

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A friend of mine, Vivian, said to me that he (PM Harper) was ready to be done.  He was tired.  It had taken it's toll on him.  Years of abuse, being called a Nazi and everything, It hurts.  That hit home.  That I understand.   I too have been wounded with titles of racist,  bigot,  hateful, cold harted, close minded,  ignorant, simple, uneducated, member of the flat earth society, brainwashed, lackey,  greedy,  heartless,  sexist, etc...  Maybe he did need a break.  I wish him the best.  Rest well Mr.  Harper.  You made me proud to call myself Canadian.

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A different time? No. Maybe we were different...better.

One of my fond memories of childhood was shooting with my dad.  He taught me to show firearms the proper respect and to be responsible.   We had a rack full of unsecured rifles on the wall in the kitchen.  We never dared to touch them.  None of the children ever did.  It was the way it was.

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Fr. Daniel's sermon today was interesting.  What if Jesus wasn't holding up the widow who gave all that she had in order for her to be praised?  What if He was laminating that she felt she had to do so because of others?  He goes on to say that the religious leaders devour the homes of widows.

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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Do We Have a Responsibility?

Out for coffee on Thursday, Dad said, "The first question man asked God was, 'Am I my brother's keeper?'"  Then answer of course is yes.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


The right to bear arms is not just an idea of the Age of Enlightenment.  It is a natural right, one of a free people which was only previously held by the aristocracy and nobility.  The American founding fathers were wise enough to enshrine that right into their supreme law to protect the people from the rulers.  It is a civil liberty that is won only through revolution.  And, it will be lost due to fear and ignorance on the behalf of people that don't understand the true nature of those who are the perpetrators of gun crimes.  The infringement of that right--the right of a free people to bear arms--is the harbinger of a people who are not to be free.

Post Script:  There have been a lot of powerful and influential people that have spoken for and against that natural right, Mao, Hitler, Jefferson.  But nobody perhaps stated the important relationship as well as Machiavelli when he said that, "When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred."

Unchanging Minds and Petty Politics

We're never petty.  It's always the other guy.  It's just that they don't realize their wrong way of thinking.  I understand the only right way.  If only they could get along.

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Subverting Democracy

Dad has always maintained that the conservatives have no natural allies in The House of Commons.   Just in Trudeau has talked about a preferential ballot--which will ensure no future majority government.   This hurts conservatives the most.  Small L liberals will select Liberal as choice one and NDP as choice two as choice two, or vise versa.  They will not vote right.  Right voters will vote CPC, and few will be able to stomach the other two main parties.   This will be two votes for the left, one for the right--ensuring leftist control of the HOC. 

If they implement a representive vote parliament,  that is to say you get 5% of the votes and are given 5% of the seats, I won't vote anything but Christian Reform again.

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Friday, November 6, 2015

Admiral Duncan

Nelson is a hero of mine.  Still, I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall for Admiral Duncan’s address to the crew of his flag ship after the mutany.

Robert E. Lee

I've always thought that Robert E. Lee was rather stupid for turning his army around when he could have taken DC.  But, he had values.  He was made of stronger stuff than people now.  George Washington served no more than two terms by choice.  Choice!  For the preservation of what he knew was right.  Where have these people gone and why have those who replaced them not believed in a fair contest?  Why do the new leader believe in what they offer more than in democracy?  Why must they win at all cost?  Why must they subvert democracy?

Why does everybody that came out of seminary in the last 40 years believe that liberalism is THE right way and that people just need to be educated out of their ignorance?

Something about Fr. Daniel's prayer in Sunday's bulletin bothered me.  Protect us, or keep us, from unchanging minds, and from petty politics.  Okay, who's going to be the first one with a clerical collar to embrace gun ownership?   How about joining in the fight against the debilitating welfare state? 

Angry, More Than Angry

I'm so upset and frustrated right now.  Liberals are destroying everything I hold dear, Church, the economy, national security, national sovereignty,  education, democracy,  individualism, and the list goes on.  Plus, they have us--as a society--on a collision course with ethnicide.  Everybody's culture is valid but ours. 
P.S.  A Christian choir was just ban in Toronto. 


I've never liked reading in Church because I make mistakes.  And, I believe reading in Church should honor God.   I have posted an awful YouTube video of myself praying morning prayer, awful.   My hope is that it will be helpful for someone. May God forgive my pride and see past my mistakes, and protect me from shame while making me humble.  Amen.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I used to be very pro union, a union steward.  Today I weighed the idea of outlawing unions, toyed with the idea.  They subvert democracy and have become all but all powerful.  They beat Tim Hudak.  They had a hand in the downfall of PM Harper.  While political parties have imposed spending limitations--individuals only, can donate a maximum of $1500 CAD/year--labour unions have no such limitations; they are free to spend as much as they want, borrow to spend even and pay back later.  They can, and do, attack freely in the media...for a price of course; money being no object, the conservatives are always at a disadvantage.  Corporations are not allowed to donate to political parties, not one cent.  The unions got out the vote, the unionized teachers even got out the university vote like never before I've been told.  The unionized public sector workers turned on the ruling conservative party.  A pet peeve of mine, even when the conservatives are in power the bureaucracy goes into full on attack/survival mode; the first order of business of any organization is self preservation.  Small government conservatives are by nature anti bureaucratic and are therefore the enemy.  Oil and water, it's a fight to get anything done for conservatives.  Bureaucrats leak information and try to embarrass their elected conservative bosses.  Any group that receives government money, nay the people's money, are going to fight fiercely to ensure it keeps coming in.  The supply must not stop.  Effectiveness of programs is not the goal or objective, increasing the budget is.  Spend it or loose it.  Unionized teachers?  Indoctrinate a new generation of leftist voters!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How Will It Work

"Socialism will work when we are rich enough to afford it." 

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The noon day demon hit pretty hard yesterday.  What am I doing?  What is my purpose?  Why am I here?  Have I wasted my time?  Am I?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Shortened Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy. 



Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

© Max Ehrmann 1927