Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hard Readings

One of the readings from the one year challenge today was 1 Corinthians 6, a hard reading in the modern world; however, the dreaded part about homosexuality is followed up in the very next section by Paul telling us that everything is permitted.  The other hard reading was from the morning office, Abraham is to sacrifice Isac to God, a favorite of Atheists.  Recently, I said that love is sacrifice.  So, this is fitting and good timing.  For Abraham this showed that he loved God more than anything.  Traditionally, I think, this is how this reading is viewed.  Abraham is being tested.  But, could it be foreshadowing the crucifixion?  God is showing Abraham, and us, how much he loves us.  He gave His Son to save us!  Wow!  BTW Atheists, God did not let Abraham kill Isac, FYI.

1 comment:

  1. Correction, the Corinthians reading was actually from the daily office I believe. It was not part of the Bible challenge.


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