Sunday, February 5, 2012


Often times, I feel God is speaking to me through scripture. Sometimes, it's just a thought that comes to mind as I read or listen to scripture read. Recently, a few scriptures got me thinking. So, this will be a two part (or two post) post.

Wolves. I believe it was two Sundays ago when we read the passage about being sent out into wolves. When I have read this passage in the past, I always used to think that it meant we were being sent out as Christians into the world of pagans, atheists, and the anti Church. Sometimes, I thought that it meant that we are being sent out into a world filled with evil (spirits) lurking in wait, manipulating people, and causing evil. But, when I listened to it this last time, I thought about me, in my Church, how I am all alone (or mostly). I thought about how everybody (especially in leadership) is liberal in both their theology and their political views. I thought about how I feel backed into a corner and out numbered. I don't even feel like I belong any longer. I just keep telling myself that it's not their Church; it's God's Church. I keep going; but, I feel like I'm surrounded by wolves on all sides.

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