Sunday, February 5, 2012

Religion Is Not Evil

There has been a lot of bad mouthing of the Church and of religion as of late. With the posting of the Youtube video about loving Jesus and hating religion, it has opened up a lot of...discussions. I think about the verse that says, "devotion to your temple burns in me like a fire." Jesus said that only if we were as devoted as the Pharisees could we enter the gates of heaven. Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing, like the brothers do at the priory. I don't think religion is wrong, as much as my evangelical friends tell me that it is. Anything can become an idol if you put it before God. But, I can love God and His Church. Jesus said to the religious leaders that they were stupid for thinking that the gifts were more important than the temple; the altar made the gifts holy. Religion is not evil. Religion does not keep people from God. People can totally be religious and have a personal relationship with God.

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