Sunday, February 5, 2012


I witnessed a disturbing trend today. During the Bishop's visit (which was very nice overall by the way), he made a joke in his homily. It was a rather sexist joke, which I felt was inappropriate, especially for a bishop to use. He said that when Jesus healed the woman in the reading today, she began to serve Him, and that it meant that things had returned to normal. Then, after the service at the pot luck, a kid in our Church said to my daughter to basically get in the kitchen and make him a sandwich. I was appalled. She was annoyed. If we want to have a society where everyone is equal, we have to start promoting equality. I don't know what's worse for me, that it happened, or that my daughter thinks that's just how men are. I told her I was upset by the comment and she said, "Uh huh. Yeah. So am I." I'm glad she missed the Bishop's comment.

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