Sunday, February 5, 2012

Politics Are Okay In Church

I disagree. I don't think politics ever have a place in Church. We (as the Church) are called to be in the world and to not be a part of the world. A lot of Church leaders now push the Liberal party or liberal ideas. But, I don't think that liberal ideas are the answer. And, that's just the problem; we're fighting about political ideas. Jesus told us to feed the poor. So, a priest should be saying, "Feed the poor," not, "vote Liberal." Some people think that voting liberal is being socially just. But, I don't think it is the answer. Just because the liberals are going to throw more money at a problem won't make it go away. I would rather teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Jobs solve the problem. Create more jobs. Reduce poverty with jobs. Create jobs through tax cuts, small government, and less regulation that make businesses thrive and produce a strong vibrant economy. Don't throw money at it. That is a band aid solution. So, Church leaders, please, don't say, "Vote Liberal." Say instead, "Feed the poor." Because, you and I have political differences and we will never agree. I want to give them a hand up, not a hand out. We (as members of the Church) are called from all walks of life! The Church welcomes all! SO DON'T PUSH ONE WAY OF THINKING! Push Jesus!

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