Thursday, August 4, 2016

Over The Top

Wrath is one of the seven deadly sins.  Anger is generally seen as wrong, except those rare instances--righteous anger.  That's because it can very quickly get us into trouble.  I have been in a few instances where I have been very angry in my life, raging.  Two of the worst come to mind quickly, when my teenage daughter punched a hole in the wall upstairs and when I missed Mass at the Priory because my wife was being...frugal.  It was wrong of me to react the way I did, and I acknowledge that.  There have been other times, mostly with family.  When my brother returned our Christmas presents, when a supervisor told me to hurry after I'd been laid off, when an arrogant coworker was talking down to me many years ago, when a friend slept with my girlfriend, when my mother-in-law's husband posted insults on Facebook, these events come to mind.  Times when I was raging with anger, they stick out.  I have been fortunate--TBTG--that I have never gotten into trouble.  That having been said, two of these events have guilt attached to the event due to the outburst of anger.  In these events, I never hit anybody or said anything that I didn't mean.

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