Thursday, August 4, 2016


One thing I admire about Americans is their patriotism.  I find that history in the high schools is pathetic.  Who knows about Juno Beach?  Who knows about Vimy Ridge?  How about the liberation of Holland?  Who knows about the North-West Rebellion?  What was the Pine Tree Line?  How about Camp X?  What the hell was the Boer war?  What is the Dominion of Canada?  And, it's not just a lack of teaching; it's a society wide problem.  The Perth Regiment was disbanded before the anniversary of the centennial of Louis Riel's uprisings.  We hide and cover up our history.  Wolfe and Montcalm are taboo to even speak about in public, let alone teach.  That's the same reason for the Royal Mail being changed to Canada Post, Dominion Day becoming Canada Day, the flag being changed from the the Red Ensign to the red Maple Leaf, etc...  What's the Red Ensign you say?  You disgust me.  Look it up.

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