Sunday, August 14, 2016


As I stood, dressed in my Church clothes, putting my wedding band--a sacramental--on my ring finger, I realize how much I don't want to go to St. Paul's.  It's not just a summer break anymore.  It's not just that Cindy works most Sundays.  I don't want to be there anymore.  Sure, as Cindy points out, there are lots of folks I like that will be there.  I think to myself that, God didn't do these things to me and say these things and change the Church and make it political, people did.  So, off I go.  Please God, let the homily not be about gun control or the merits of welfare or how evil men are or the pros of Western cultural suicide or Gaia worship.


  1. P.S. Fr. Daniel is actually very good; I have to give him his due. He keeps politics out of sermons, and I can't say enough about how refreshing that is.

  2. P.P.S. I can't wear my wedding band at work; and as a result of this, I don't wear it most days. I should be wearing it all the time; but, as it is a sacramental, it seems fitting to wear it to Church. An old Lutheran once told me that marriage isn't just between husband and wife; it's a three person relationship with/including God. That's what makes it a sacrament and what makes it work too. If you love God and yourself, most relationships will work actually.


Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.