Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

To the left. To the left. Everybody to the left.

I picked up my copy of the Anglican Journal to peruse at the river over coffee.  Now that the same sex marriage issue is settled, we're on to the next contentious issue, assisted suicide.  The ACC has it's left turn signal stuck on.  How about we concentrate on Christ!  There are your politics, not mine.

"On the other hand we do want, and want very much, to make men treat Christianity as a means; preferably, of course, as a means to their own advancement, but, failing that, as a means to anything--even to social justice." C.S. Lewis

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Let me tell you a personal story about the importance of inflection.  When we were young and my parents were divorced,  I lived with Mom and my brother lived with Dad.  At Christmas time, Mom would return my brother's Christmas gifts.  He lamented this many times.  Moving forward from childhood, years later my brother and I had a falling out and he hung my Christmas gifts to him on my door knob.  I found them as I returned from Church on Christmas Eve.   I sent him a message--here's where inflection is so important--inclucing the phrase, "I thought it was wrong to return Christmas gifts."  I ment for the emphasis to be on the word wrong; I thought it was wrong to return Christmas gifts.  But, he and many others read it and read the emphasis on I.  I thought it was wrong to return Christmas gifts.   So, to put a wedge between Mom and I, he forwarded the message to her.  I didn't know this at first.  Not until she started beating around the bush in a lame attempt to apologise for the mistakes of her parenthood and I connected the dots.  Anyway,  inflection,  important.

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People are shallow and selfish and will exploit whatever ism will give them more than the next guy.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I hate it so much, but I have no choice.  I find it hard to push out of my mind so that it doesn't occupy my every waking thought.  I am backed into a corner.  Oh to have peace.

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Sunday, August 14, 2016


As I stood, dressed in my Church clothes, putting my wedding band--a sacramental--on my ring finger, I realize how much I don't want to go to St. Paul's.  It's not just a summer break anymore.  It's not just that Cindy works most Sundays.  I don't want to be there anymore.  Sure, as Cindy points out, there are lots of folks I like that will be there.  I think to myself that, God didn't do these things to me and say these things and change the Church and make it political, people did.  So, off I go.  Please God, let the homily not be about gun control or the merits of welfare or how evil men are or the pros of Western cultural suicide or Gaia worship.

In a Modern Civilized Society, Nobody Needs Guns for Self Defence

Riddle me this:  If the fire department has a three minute response time to a house, given that it takes approximately five minutes for a fire to get out of control, why if it legally mandatory to have a fire extinguisher in a bed and breakfast.  The fire department will be there in three minutes anyway.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Vote for a living.

Ronald Reagan said that if social programs helped people--if the programs worked--like the liberals said they did, shouldn't fewer and fewer people need them every year.

We all know the truth.  They prop up liberal governments.  They use our tax money to buy votes.  The people who take the money vote for the people who are going to give it out.  Or, as is a popular modern saying on social media in conservative circles, "People who work for a living are being overwhelmed by people who vote for a living."

We're so rich that the poor waste, and we all pay through the nose for the waste.

I was out walking Bella with Cindy.  We walked around the block, by the subsidized housing.  I heard a kid say to another kid as he dropped the running garden hose in the driveway that it didn't matter.  "We don't pay for our water.  The city pays for it."  Waste.  Squander.  Sloth.  Gluttony.  Excess. Greed.  Institutionalization.  Dependency.  Culture of entitlement.  Avarice. 


I was musing the other day that gays should be called gay.  They're not gay anymore.  They're angry more often than gay.  They were gayer when they were repressed ironically. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I know it's English.

But, they say dog is so named because it's so close to God; He gave us a companion that mirrored His ability to unconditional love us.

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Logic tells me that it's my mind playing tricks on me; but, I swear in the last two days I've heard a dog whining when Bella has been on the couch in the living room, from the basement,  from outside the back door.  I even opened the basement door Friday night for fear that the vet had messed up and Louie was awake in the box.  I miss my fur buddy.  

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Chandra is right, it does seem wrong to just put Louie in the ground.  She deserves to be happy and healthy.   Death sucks.

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

To be Humble

The monastic idea that you can become proud of how humble you are being and fall into sin is both a paradox and somewhat amusing, to the less serious practitioners of the Divine Office and Rule of Life.


I think, more and more, that good behaviour--or refraining from bad behaviour--is not something we should do to be good.  Rather, they are The fruit of The Spirit.  They are the product of being good, not the requirement.

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Psalm 51

May The Body Once Broken rejoice.

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One thing I admire about Americans is their patriotism.  I find that history in the high schools is pathetic.  Who knows about Juno Beach?  Who knows about Vimy Ridge?  How about the liberation of Holland?  Who knows about the North-West Rebellion?  What was the Pine Tree Line?  How about Camp X?  What the hell was the Boer war?  What is the Dominion of Canada?  And, it's not just a lack of teaching; it's a society wide problem.  The Perth Regiment was disbanded before the anniversary of the centennial of Louis Riel's uprisings.  We hide and cover up our history.  Wolfe and Montcalm are taboo to even speak about in public, let alone teach.  That's the same reason for the Royal Mail being changed to Canada Post, Dominion Day becoming Canada Day, the flag being changed from the the Red Ensign to the red Maple Leaf, etc...  What's the Red Ensign you say?  You disgust me.  Look it up.

Over The Top

Wrath is one of the seven deadly sins.  Anger is generally seen as wrong, except those rare instances--righteous anger.  That's because it can very quickly get us into trouble.  I have been in a few instances where I have been very angry in my life, raging.  Two of the worst come to mind quickly, when my teenage daughter punched a hole in the wall upstairs and when I missed Mass at the Priory because my wife was being...frugal.  It was wrong of me to react the way I did, and I acknowledge that.  There have been other times, mostly with family.  When my brother returned our Christmas presents, when a supervisor told me to hurry after I'd been laid off, when an arrogant coworker was talking down to me many years ago, when a friend slept with my girlfriend, when my mother-in-law's husband posted insults on Facebook, these events come to mind.  Times when I was raging with anger, they stick out.  I have been fortunate--TBTG--that I have never gotten into trouble.  That having been said, two of these events have guilt attached to the event due to the outburst of anger.  In these events, I never hit anybody or said anything that I didn't mean.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Suicide is an incredibly selfish act perpetrated by complete assholes.


I hate that goth death culture crap.  They romanticize death.  There's nothing glamorous about death.  These little bastards hurt everybody around them.


Stratford now has an ISIS recruiting centre.

Monday, August 1, 2016


I had a crazy dream yesterday.  I was helping/part of the Criminal Minds.  There was sn issue with a fingerprint that they had taken as evidence,  and I ran home to get my criminal code because there was a problem with section 222 and how they obtained the print.   Funny thing, when I awoke and checked on section 222, it was the homicide section.

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Wage Gap

Rather that look at the hourly wage of men and women doing the same job in the same company, liberals want to look at the tax returns of men vs women across the board not taking into account maternity leave, men working longer hours,  women choosing to spend more time with their families,  and even different career choices; fine, compensate me as a man for having a shorter life span.  I want more money because I'm at a disadvantage.  Through no fault of my own, I can't earn for as long as a woman can.  We need to equal out this injustice.

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I think that resumes should be submitted without any information that identifies you by race, sex, age, creed,  sexual orentstion, or nationality. Hire the person best qualified.  If you're a construction company,  you hire who's the best brick layer to do the masonry, not hire them because they're black.  You hire the best carpenter for woodwork, not the person who has a vagina. We're building a weeker shittier society.  We're becoming society that is complacent and settles for mediocrity to buy votes at election time.   We're treating everybody differently and passing it off as fair. 

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