Tuesday, May 3, 2011


There have been some really p1$$ed off people on Facebook in the last few days; the reasons are the federal election and the shooting of Bin Laden. The liberals are blogging, and tweeting and facebooking their little hearts out. The "bleeding hearts" are bemoaning the killing of Bin Laden. Well, I'm sure it brings peace and satisfaction to anybody who lost a family member in the World Trade Center. So, the facebookers are posting quotes from Dr. King saying that hate can't be used to fight hate. Okay, I get that. But, I don't hate Bin Laden. I'm happy they got him though; although, I think I'd have preferred them to have taken him alive for trial and future incarceration. From a strategic and security point of view, he had to be gone after. I always say, "Peace first. Not, peace at any cost." We have to defend our selves against attack. The way I look at it, soldiers are God's gift to keep us safe. They put themselves in harm's way. Jesus said the greatest act of love was self sacrifice. They do some nasty things so that we don't have to, so that we can live in a free country. Thank God we live in the free world, in Canada. So, is violence never the answer? I think it can be an answer. It should always be the last option. But, if it's the only way to stop a mad man from leading his troops in a horrifying act of ethnic cleansing, it's our duty to save those people. If terrorists blow up high rise buildings, we have to go after their training bases and leaders. After all, David killed Goliath. God told the Israelites to kill the people in the land He was giving them. St. Peter carried a sword.

The problem is that they put being a liberal before being a christian. Anti violence is a liberal value, just like gay marriage. They can reinterpret scripture to justify that, but not violence. One is liberal, and one is not.

Politics should not enter religion. It's like when I pray for peace. There are three ways to pray for peace: The way I want it is to pray, "Father, bring us peace as only you can. We are not able to bring peace because we are flawed and imperfect." The Liberal prayer goes, "God, make those who fight see the error of their ways and give up their hate." The conservative prayer goes, "God, make it so that war is no longer necessary."

But, people insist on bringing politics into religion. It's hard not to, for me too. It gets harder every day. But, we should not try to beat our christian brother over the head because his views are wrong.

I think it's horrible when priests try to get people to vote liberal. They say, "remember social justice when you vote." And also, "Vote for the marginalized in society." But, what they're really saying is vote liberal. Well, I did vote the way my conscience told me to. The Conservative party is the party I think best protects and promotes Christianity that stands a chance of forming a government. I think they're the best for the economy. New jobs will help the poor too. BTW, correct me if I'm wrong, but I only saw one speech last night where God was mentioned, and it was Mr. Harper.

And, in my personal opinion, it was awesome to see the blue wave; it filled me with joy to see the first conservative majority government elected in Canada since 1988. We've been living under liberal rule for far too long. And, we'd be naive to believe that that has had no impact on our criminal law, economy, social values, etc...

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