Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Way God Made Me

I was digging through some old college papers and stuff the other day, and I found an old O.B. paper I'd written, with the results of my personality type. Here is who God made me:


ISTJs are characterized as serious and quiet. They become successful through their ability to concentrate and perform tasks in a thorough manner. They are practical, logical, dependable, orderly, matter-of-fact, and well-organized. They are not easily distracted and make up their own minds about how a job should be accomplished regardless of outside protest or interference. They pay great attention to details and operate well in stable environments. They do not like things that are frivolous or new, and are patient and sensible.

Conservative, decisive, dependable, duty-bound, factual, organized, painstaking, practical, realistic, reliable, sensible, stable, steadfast, systematic, thorough.

Preferred Work Environment:
They prefer to work in a structured, orderly, task-oriented environment that allows them to work independently and privately so that their work can be uninterrupted. They like organizations in which they have a good measure of security that will provide rewards for their steady work. They like their colleagues to be as hard-working as they are and to be interested in producing results from an analysis of the facts.

Interpersonal Style:
These people readily accept responsibility and are well-organized. When they serve in leading administrative positions, they produce a stabilizing influence and show good judgment and a memory for details. When their own needs have been firmly established, they are able to respect the needs of others.

Possible Developmental Needs:
These people sometimes need to develop a deeper understanding of their colleagues and coworkers. It is particularly valuable for them to learn to acknowledge others openly. They may need to give more attention to organizing the way they deal with the outer world and to avoid becoming too preoccupied with their inner life. Attempting new approaches can keep them from getting stuck in monotonous routine.

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