Sunday, May 22, 2011

Some Rapture Thoughts for May 21st from My Facebook

William Ramier
wonders why people are all talking about this 21st of May thing.
Friday at 8:24pm via Text Message · Friends Only · UnlikeLike ·

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William Ramier It's highly improbable. Highly.
Friday at 9:18pm · Like

William Ramier Memo? I didn't even hear about this until a few days ago. Now, it seems to be all everybody is talking about. And, it makes me a little angry too to tell you the truth....
Friday at 10:52pm · LikeUnlike
William Ramier Well, you can have your dog dogsat now....
Friday at 11:12pm · LikeUnlike
William Ramier It's Sunday in Oz now. Or was it on EST?
Yesterday at 10:05am · LikeUnlike
William Ramier I don't know how anybody could accurately predict the end of the world. I think it's very sad that people are selling their stuff and giving their money away because of Harold Camping. It's enraging. Plus, this guy is making Christians look like idiots.
Yesterday at 4:40pm · Like

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