Sunday, December 1, 2019

Begin At The Beginning

So, I had a new thought today.  Or, it was given to me.  Dad always says that when Grandpa said that it came to him, Grandma would reply, "Came to you?  You mean you took a notion in your head."  But, I digress.  My new thought,  which very well may have been given to me, is that it may not be ritualism itself that is bad.

It's a new season, a new beginning.  Today is the first day of Advent, a time of renewal and of preperation.  As we begin the season of Advent, this morning's reading is from the first chapter of Isaiah.  I was surprised that, unlike my evangelical friend's view that ritual is bad, Isaiah seems to be saying that sin is what defiles the rite and makes it displeasing to God.  Hhm, not maybe the practices and motions we go through, God hates our evil.  Interesting...

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