Wednesday, May 4, 2016

You Don't Want to Go Goofy

Some people try to do too much.  Take Bishop Bruce for example, a good man who cared (maybe too much).  The stress and the workload he had taken on were too much for him, the situations and the pressure.  Were there warning signs?  How much is too much?  How can one tell?  When the advice and the help doesn't work, and you keep doing too much, what gives first?  Stress seems to be underestimated and very poorly understood.  It's causes, management, and effects are not fully understood.  Yes, it can make you sick; I think most people understand that.  What seems to be the worst case scenario is the individual for whom stress management is ineffective and for whom the workload and burden is greater than they can deal with, self induced our otherwise.  Being told to let it go or not to let it get to you is not helpful at all.  When all those helpful people with advice just don't understand, it's all the more frustrating.  My advice to people who have not gone goofy yet?  If you can't manage the stress, remove it.  Because, once you go goofy, you're not serving anybody anymore.

Pray for Bishop Bruce and all those in anxiety and distress.  FATHER help us.  I ask this in the name of Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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